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Babysitting the Kids in "Hell's Kitchen"

If you missed the first half of last night's episode of Hell's Kitchen, I think the below video aptly sums up the chaos and confusion. "Restaurant" Hell's Kitchen held its first lunch service and opened its doors to an army of screaming, sugar-jonesing demon children who promptly trashed the place.

That pretty much covers it. Well, except for the fact that Rachel confused egg wash with egg whites and begged for ice, Virginia flirted with Gordon Ramsay like a teenage coquette, and Sara acted a thousand times more immature and irritating than any one of the above children as she continued to sabotage her own team...

Meanwhile, Heather had her hands full with the "kids" on her new team. The guys didn't seem to do much better than the women, though Heather's presence seemed to rein them in a little at first, but soon the team returned to its typical devices: Tom started a kitchen fire, Garrett sent out food without tasting it for seasoning, and everyone brought down Gordon Ramsay's ire.

Like I said after Week One, my money's on sous chef Heather to win this competition. Anyone else ends up with their very own restaurant and I'd think that Gordon had gone soft. And we don't want that, now do we?

What's On Tonight

8 pm: NCIS (CBS); Fear Factor (NBC); Gilmore Girls (WB); According to Jim/According to Jim(ABC); House (FOX); America's Next Top Model (UPN)

9 pm: The Unit (CBS); Last Comic Standing (NBC); Pepper Dennis (WB); According to Jim/According to Jim (ABC); House (FOX); Veronica Mars (UPN)

10 pm: 48 Hours Mystery (CBS); Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC); Boston Legal (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8-10 pm: Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List on Bravo.

Honestly, I keep forgetting that this series is on, but everyone I know won't shut up about it. Catch last week's episode at 8 pm and then a brand-new episode at 9 pm, where Kathy's trip to Iraq to entertain the troops reaches a conclusion. Kathy Griffin... in Iraq? I am so there.


Anonymous said…
"Everyone I know won't shut up about it"

hee hee.

There were a lot of uncomfortable d-list moments in the Iraq ep.

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