Hungry for a glimpse at the all-new Doctor Who Easter special "Planet of the Dead"?
You're in luck as the trailer for the special, set to air later this month on BBC One in the UK, can be viewed below. Doctor Who's "Planet of the Dead" stars David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, Michelle Ryan (Bionic Woman) as Lady Christina, and Lee Evans as Malcolm. It was written by Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts.
The BBC's official description of the special reads: "When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Doctor must join forces with the extraordinary Lady Christina, in this one-off seasonal special. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets, hidden in the sand. And time is running out, as the deadly Swarm gets closer."
What are you waiting for? Hop on that double-decker bus and prepare to travel to another world...
Doctor Who's Easter Special, entitled "Planet of the Dead" is slated to air the week of April 11th on BBC One.
Trailer looks awesome but I'm not always the biggest fan of RTD's eps.
I mean, each year they had a full season for four seasons, plus a Christmas special. Then they what seemed like a year long break. Then they aired a Christmas special. And now four months later, a second TV "movie" (not even an episode) with two more to follow up into 2010.
That's about two whole years with very little Doctor. And the format of these as "movies," screams, absolutely screams to people the show is OVER. Ended. Given, we know that it's not, and that there will be a fifth season. But this is how 99.% of TV shows go off the air! At the end of their final season before the main character leaves, they may air a couple of TV movies with the character in it as a way of saying goodbye. But after those TV movies, the show goes off the air permanently.
That's what this feels like. It feels like season four's finale was a series finale and that these TV movies are a nice way of giving the audience a fond farewell, not just of Tennant, but of all of the TV show "Doctor Who". This new fifth season that premieres in 2010? It doesn't feel real. It doesn't feel like a fifth season. It feels like a reboot. A Volume Two (well, Volume Three really). It feels like they ought to just go ahead and call it Season One.
So much time will have passed since the end of Season Four (two years!) that they ought to call it what it is to the audience: Season One, Volume Three.