According to a report by TV Guide's Michael Ausiello, the fate of the series lays in Alexis Bledel's pretty little hands and the younger Gilmore girl doesn't want to return for an eighth season on the CW dramedy. However, Ausiello claims that the network has a Plan B. (Now beware, ladies and gentlemen, purported and probable SPOILERS lurk ahead, so be forewarned.)
Should Bledel not commit to Season Eight, the CW will reportedly look to refocus the series on "Lorelai, Luke and their new baby, with the occasional sweeps-month guest appearance by Rory."
That's a truly horrifically bad idea, especially as my fear is that Lorelai and Luke will conceive a female baby, changing the focus of those titular girls from Lorelai and Rory to... Lorelai Plus One. (Shudder.)
Meanwhile, over at E! Online, Kristin has some info of her own that appears to discount Ausiello's story completely:
"Well, according to my sources—who are highly placed within the Gilmore family—the plan of a Roryless eighth season has been firmly rejected for one very good reason: Lauren Graham is sticking by her onscreen daughter (you gotta love that) and has made it clear that she will not continue the show without Alexis on board."Which means that no Alexis Bledel, no Gilmore Girls. Should Bledel decide not to make another trip to Stars Hollow, Graham won't either. (You've got to love solidarity among co-stars.) I can't say that I blame Graham, especially as the two of them are the heart and soul of the show, even if they barely appear in scenes together anymore.
Still, Kristin claims that the CW (and network president Dawn Ostroff) is willing to do "whatever it takes" to keep Bledel and Graham around for another season, including "turn the show around creatively." (I'd have to agree with that; it's been unwatchable this season.)
Personally, I think it's time for Gilmore Girls to take a bow and exeunt stage left at this point. They started out as a little tiny show on a little tiny network on Thursday nights and no one initially gave a thought to the fact that it could even make it past one season, let alone seven.
Gilmore Girls will always have a very special place in my heart but it's sad but true to say that it feels like it's going through the motions at this point and I'd much rather see Bledel, Graham, and the entire GG cast go onto newer and better things than languish for another, protracted season.
That's just my opinion. But at least I have my DVDs.
This season is an abberation. Please, end it before it gets sullied anymore.
however, I AM liking the idea you posted earlier of LG going onto ASP's new show!!! what a GREAT IDEA!!! Okay, who do we need to talk to to make this happen?
Perhaps they could just fulfill one of my most deeply held fantasies: asking Amy back to write the series finale. I'm dying to know what those final "four words" are that she alluded to last year.
So, I am of two minds.
On the one hand, I feel like, just let this be the end. Let it die already. Put it out of its bland misery. (by the way, I thought this week's ep had some glimpses of what the show used to be, re: scenes w/Lor and Ror).
On the other hand, I wonder... if "whatever it takes" means keeping both girls, AND getting ASP back, then maybe it would be worth sticking it out so the show could go out on a high note.
I'd hate for this show to go out, and this season be our last memory of it (DVD or no DVD, I'd hate for this season to be known as the last one).
Put them out of their misery already.
It is such an amazing show, I love it and I would hate to see it end so soon. I'm torn though cause I dont want the show to go on without Alexis, without Rory, the show wont be the same. I watch for the Lauren/Lorelai and Alexis/Rory relationship so I dont know if I want it to go on without her :( If she agrees to continue though, then I think the show definately should!
I ask for the powers that be to please give us a Season 8. I have the DVDs as well, but I tell you, I won't care to watch them if I know at the end of the series, it just quickly throws the 2 main characters back together in order to fit in the storyline at the end of the 7th season. We watched and watched year after year to be tossed a crumb at the end. Not fair. I sincerely hope that the actors and producers do not cheat devoted fans of GG and Stars Hollow out of a Season 8 with more Luke w Lor, Sookie and Jackson, Lor's parents, the eccentric town folk and let Rory (Alexis) just come to town now and then if she wants to leave the show. I hate that she'd leave, but the fans deserve to have more episodes with many new adventures. Rory's storylines have not been as interesting ever since she left Stars Hollow for Yale; it's basically been interest in one fella or another. The more interesting Rory episodes are when she is back in Stars Hollow. The storylines with Logan are a yawn. I think Marty is the one she should end up with - sort of like she comes to her senses and sees him for great individual he is. I keep thinking back to when Rory dressed like Harpo Marx, and she with Marty watched the Marx Brothers movies only to have Logan come and take over. It was cute for a good while, but Marty seems to be the real deal. It would make her story lines much more interesting to be with Marty.
I don't think it would be beneficial to any of us who love GG to end it within the next few episodes. I would feel completely cheated after this 7th season the writers and producers have given us thus far. I understand Alexis may want to move on, but I think Lauren should not feel compelled to follow suit just because Alexis wants to "move on." I can only hope that Lauren will see that we don't want her, Luke and Stars Hollow to move on - not just yet. I love the town, the eccentric folk. I want to see Luke, Loralai and baby living a while longer in Stars Hollow. Give us that please.
That being said.
I think this season has gotten a lot of unfair press. We miss Amy. We miss Daniel. But at least we still have the show. I haven't liked the last few arcs, granted, but I'm willing to bear with it to see where it goes.
I do think it's important that Amy SP write the finale. It wouldn't be finished without closure from her input. But I think an entire new season would have too many challenges. While Rory is at Yale we have plot threads (her and Paris, her and Logan, her impending career) - but can the show handle Graduate Rory? Would she be NYC-based, rarely seeing the stars hollow characters? Where would Paris go? They can't be roommates forever. How often could she feasibly see Lorelai? I think the root of the show is in their interactions.
I think this season needs to be it, as much as I hate the idea of the show being cancelled. But there will only be time for that if they stop running re-runs every week and get back to the show. We have time for 8-10 more episodes, which could be enough to tie up loose ends, maybe doing a 2 hour series finale. THAT would get the ratings. Every fan of days past would watch that.
Lastly, all the fans know it has to be Luke. I love Christopher, and I was even willing to invest in the possibility of their marriage - but it has to be Luke. I think the show's best ratings bet is to head back in that direction with some fresh writers and a clear cap on the series.
It's been a good run.