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TV (Not) on DVD: "Spaced"

I don't know about you, but I've been salivating over the sheer possibility of an eventual US DVD release of seminal Britcom series Spaced , starring Shaun of the Dead 's Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Jessica Stevenson, Mark Heap, Katy Carmichael, and Julia Deakin. Sadly, it looks like a US release isn't in the cards... at least not any time soon. I was lucky enough to attend a screening of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright's new film Hot Fuzz (if you're a fan of Shaun or of Spaced , run--don't walk--to see this hilarious film as soon as it opens in the US) this weekend. As a HUGE, slightly obsessive fan of Spaced (which recently finished airing its second and final season on BBC America), I'm always on the lookout for news on a DVD release. (I met Pegg at the BAFTA/LA Emmys tea party last summer and stunned him by even having heard of--and being a fan of-- Spaced .) However, when asked about the possibility of a Spaced DVD release, Wright gave the audience

Travel Channel's "5 Takes" Heading to Latin America

Looking to escape from your job and travel the world for a few weeks and be on television? Longtime readers know that I am a sucker for a few things: anything vaguely Arrested Development -related, the works of Joss Whedon, the employees of Dunder-Mifflin (and The Girly Show ) and cable series 5 Takes . For those of you not in the know, 5 Takes is a highly addictive travel reality series on the Travel Channel that shoves five travel journalists into unusual and out-of-the-ordinary experiences in far-off lands (except for last season which saw five Australian and Asian journalists travel around the US) as they record their varying experiences and live together. It's a fun, often eye-opening series and nothing like The Real World , whatsoever. It appears that the fourth season of 5 Takes is headed to Latin America and they are currently looking for five travel journalists/hosts between the ages of 30-39 (slightly older than previous installments) to explore the countries of Lati

Pepper Spray and Cross-Dressing: Yeppers, Just Another Normal Day at "The Office"

It's impossible to feel complete without a brand-new episode of The Office on Thursday nights so until now I feel like I've been walking around missing some crucial piece of myself. I have to say, I thought that last night's episode of The Office ("The Negotiation") was well worth the wait. Sure, I had caught about 20 minutes or so of this week's installment about a month ago at the Paley Fest, but those wily producers had managed to cut out all of the Jim/Pam/Roy storyline to keep us guessing. The Altercation. I'm actually glad that things nearly came to blows with Roy and Jim. The resentment Roy has for Jim has been bubbling up as of late and came to a head when Pam came clean about the fact that she and Jim had kissed before their cancelled wedding. That said, I am glad Roy's punch didn't actually connect with Jim's face (messy, messy) and that the "attack" was averted by an always vigilant Dwight, armed with his pepper spray. Th

Tim Gunn to Make It Work For "Project Runway" Season Four, After All

Like many fans of Bravo's catwalks-and-catfights reality series Project Runway , I could not imagine the show without erudite and dapper mentor Tim Gunn along for the ride. After all, while I love Heidi, Nina, and Michael, Tim is really the heart and soul of the sartorial series. So I was overjoyed to learn today that Tim has signed on to return for the fourth season of Project Runway , along with Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia, and Michael Kors as the troika of over-critical judges who will destroy the dreams of more than a few would-be designers while casting one into the spotlight . Harvey Weinstein made the announcement earlier today in a joint statement representing The Weinstein Company, Miramax, and Bravo. "I am thrilled to make it official that I will be back in the workroom for season four of Project Runway ," said Gunn in a statement. "We're in the midst of casting the designers now and I can already see that it will be another amazing season." It'

Girl Power: Kate and Juliet Struggle with Being Left Behind on "Lost"

I am convinced more than ever now that Lost is truly on a roll again, having found its third season groove that not only propels the plot (and the characters' backstories) forward bit by bit but also reminds me of the setup and tension of Season One. And that, my friends, is a Very Good Thing. On last night's episode of Lost ("Left Behind"), there were several moments that had me sit up an cheer (and a couple that had me scared out of my wits), which is truly the sign of a great Lost installment. And while it might have been Kate's flashback this week, the episode advanced the stories of not just Kate, but Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, and Jack. And we learned that the Others--or Juliet anyway--don't know any more about the monster/security system that the Losties do. Curious. Locke. Where to begin? Following the events of "The Man From Tallahassee," Locke seems to have clearly joined up with the Others now, or at least he's gone to great lengths to

Who Dat Ninja: NBC Renews "30 Rock" for a Second Season!

Looks like Jack Donaghy made quite an impression on his fellow Peacock execs. I was overjoyed to learn just a second ago that NBC has ordered a second season of comedy 30 Rock , easily my favorite new series this year. I had it on very good authority that NBC was thisclose to renewing the series and had placed a good amount of confidence in the series, enough to bring it back to the schedule earlier than anticipated (it returns tomorrow night with a super-sized episode and Will Arnett), but NBC has now confirmed that it will indeed be giving us more Liz Lemon, Jack, Tracy Jordan, and Kenneth the Page. NBC's president Kevin Reilly has said that he hopes the 30 Rock 's fortunes will favor that of fellow comedy The Office , which premiered to some dismal ratings its first season but soon went on to become a critical and audience favorite and usher in a new (post- Arrested Development ) era of smart comedy. Fingers crossed that America finally wakes up and realizes just how hyste

NBC Whacks "Black Donnellys" Sooner Rather Than Later

NBC is apparently REALLY unhappy with freshman series The Black Donnellys . Just mere days after announcing that the April 16th airing would be the series' last, the Peacock has today turned around and issued another announcement stating that, following another dismal performance this week, it would be yanking The Black Donnellys off the air... immediately. Ouch. It was clear that The Black Donnellys , created by Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco (of Crash fame), wouldn't be around for long anyway, as NBC planned to use the real estate for Ashton Kutcher's latest reality opus The Real Wedding Crashers (yes, about people hired to crash weddings as a prank!) instead. In the meantime, NBC will fill the timeslot next week with an additional episode of new comedy improv series Thank God You're Here . As for those remaining Donnellys episodes, fans can catch the last six or so eps on but let's just say the likelihood of the series returning next season is as proba