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When I Am Through With You: The Theme Song for FX's "Damages"

If you're like me, you simply can't get enough of FX's legal thriller Damages... and you've been going crazy trying to figure out just who sings that haunting theme song.

No straightjackets are necessary, as the opening credit sequence is right below.

The song is entitled "When I Am Through With You" by a Los Angeles band known as The VLA. While the title track doesn't appear to be available anywhere for download, you can sample some of the band's tunes at their MySpace page.

As for those aggressive lyrics? I think they perfectly sum up Patty Hewes', er, rather unique (not to mention downright draconian) management style.

UPDATE: The theme song to Damages can now be downloaded from iTunes. Read more about it here.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info on this, Jace. I've been going crazy trying to find this song. I've never heard of the VLA but the Damages theme is so good that I can't stop singing it!
Anonymous said…
Cool! Thanks, Jace. It's a great song and perfect for the opening credits.
Rizzo said…

Jason from The VLA here... thanks for the kind words! Glad you guys like the song... come say "word up" at our myspace page...

Harleypeyton said…
Thanks for the info. Now if you can just dig up the song info for the ballad they played at the end of the ep.
Anonymous said…
Awesome! I've been trying to figure out who sang the theme song for a while now. The opening credits for DAMAGES are amazing.
Anonymous said…
The ballad was a cover of Cydi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," by Greg Laswell, available at iTunes.
KC said…
I love the song, "When I'm through with you". It fits the tv show, "Damages" like a glove. No other song could even come close. This is a great song and from a very talented band whose other songs are also very good and worth listening too. The music director's from the TV programs Damages and Mad Men (Amy Winehouse's, "you know I'm no good") should be commended for jobs well done. They managed to find songs that not only sound terrific but more importantly they fit the context of the tv programs . I can't wait to see and hear more from The VLA in the future. I am a big fan of this band. It isn't every day you find a fabulous band who is also smart.
Anonymous said…
Very cool. Reminds me alot of the Damned. Damages not bad either.
Unknown said…
This is a really good song, suits the series 'Damages' perfectly. It more specifically suits Patty. If you want to download it goto and then input the bands myspace address. Its pretty self explanatory from there.

Anonymous said…
the full song is available on my bebo... under the vla playlist. have fun! i love this song LOL. found out who it was by off the damages credits :P
Unknown said…
I heard a different tune. I wanted to know who sang the song when the previews of the new season was to begin. A female sings it and it's kinda slow and mellow. I cannot remember how it goes, but if I hear it I'll know. Can anyone help me on this Thankz.
Anonymous said…
That's "Stepping Stone" by Duffy.
Anonymous said…
I love the theme song! /i do have a question though. In the very beginning, is he saying "Little Lamb"?
Anonymous said…
I have to say that the theme from Damages is very reminiscent of the 80's band Sisters Of Mercy and their album First & Last & Always, released Jan 20, 1989 ...I thought it may be them until I Googled it...

Check out their tracks and see what you think...The Damages theme sounds much heavier and darker on TV that the track on VLA's Myspace page.
Anonymous said…
LOVE the theme song. It fits the show so perfectly!
Anonymous said…
I love that song, When I am through with you. Ever since I heard it ive been trying to figure out who sings it. And now that i've done that, I can't figure out how to download it! I need a download.

For season 2, they used Duffy's also awesomely haunting "Stepping Stone," which also suits the series perfectly, especially for the Ellen Parsons character. That song literally plays on repeat on my laptop.

I love this show. And i love the music it introduces me to.
Anonymous said…
Beginning of song: Lyrics *are* "Little Lamb..."
Saiph said…
Now that "Damages" has crossed the Atlantic, all us Brits are trying to find out who plays the superb theme song! Better late than never! VLA, I've already joined your MySpace site, looking forward to hearing a lot more. I just love that bass. It's a shame that the title video above has been removed though.
Anonymous said…
The song sounds a lot like Morphine or Treat Her Right, a spinoff.
Anonymous said…
The title track is available in UK on Itunes
Unknown said…
anyone know the composer of the haunting music from the intro to season 3; which was a recap of seasons 1 and 2
Anonymous said…
I think it sounds familiar like the song from the Sopranos or some other show
Dogdaze said…
Sounds very much like David Bowie

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