You had a chance to read my advance review of the pilot episode from back in May as well as catch my video interviews with the cast of Community (from my recent set visit), but now that the pilot episode has aired, I'm curious to know what you thought of the series.
Did you fall for the loopy charms of the series, created by Dan Harmon? Did you enjoy Community's mix of deadpan humor and emotional heart? Are you already head over heels for its collection of eccentric characters? Does it fit in with the rest of NBC's Thursday night comedy lineup, including Parks and Recreation, The Office, and 30 Rock?
And, most importantly, will you tune in again next week? (And please do, as next week's episode is even funnier!)
Talk back here.
Next week on Community ("Spanish 101"), Jeff conspires to be Britta's partner in a team project for Senor Chang (Ken Jeong) but winds up with an undesirable partner that he can't shake; Shirley and Annie help Britta with her latest social justice cause.
Not bad. This isn't the sort of thing I usually watch, but it was funny the longer the study group went on and I had to admire how well lawyer guy talked throughout. And then he got called on his BS, which is great too.
I'll give it a few more weeks though.
any opportunity for chevy chase to bring the funny is welcomed in my book, but he seemed to take a back seat in this initial episode. I think someone else here said it best, I enjoy P&R alot more and maybe that's because it is entering its sophmore year, it knows what it wants to be and more importantly, it knows a few more things it doesn't want to be. I'm hopeful, first seasons are never going to make me mark my calendar (save Arrested Development, but that was a delicious anomaly, and much more clever in it's writing and charm!)
Jeffe (Joel McHale) was what I was expecting, I hope the talk-soup-quick-quip-esque personality gains a little more depth as the character develops but a chance to oogle Alison Brie on a weekly basis will also satiate my watching!
If Community is "too unrealistic," does that mean you only watch realistic comedies? I'd be interested in hearing what comedies are realistic. Seinfeld? The Simpsons? Better Off Ted? Do you watch a lot of TV? Personally, if I wanted realism--as you say you do--I'd turn off the tube.