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Tune-In Reminder: Thursday Night Premiere Bonanza

Just a quick reminder that there's a ton of new television launching tonight, between series premieres, season premieres, and a secret advance peek at a new FX comedy series kicking off next year.

So what should you be sure to set your DVR for tonight? Here goes?

Season Five of Bones kicks off tonight at 8 pm ET/PT with a premiere ("Harbingers in a Fountain"), in which Brennan returns from a dig in Guatemala; Angela's psychic, Avalon Harmonia (Cyndi Lauper) reveals while reading Angela's tarot cards that there are multiple bodies buried under a Washington, DC fountain; Sweets certifies Booth mentally fit to return to duty after his brain surgery, but Booth is still experiencing some side effects from his coma. (You can read my advance review of the season premiere here.)

At 8:30 pm, it's the start of Season Two of comedy Parks and Recreation on NBC. (You can read my advance review of the first two episodes of the season here.)

Fringe returns to FOX at 9 pm tonight with a second season premiere ("A New Day in the Old Town") in which Peter unknowingly races against time to gain information about Olivia's visit to the parallel world and Walter reenters the lab to cook up a bit of fringe science, and some custard for Peter's birthday. (You can read my advance review of the season opener here.

Wait, there's more...

The Office kicks off its new season at 9 pm with "Rumors," in which Michael spreads some rumors around the office, including one rumor that just happens to be true.

At 9:30 pm, NBC launches its newest comedy, Community, about a lawyer (Joel McHale) whose degree has been revoked forms a study group at a community college where he has enrolled in order to obtain a legitimate bachelor's degree. (You can read my advance review of the pilot episode here.)

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia returns to FX at 10 pm with the start of its fifth season ("The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis") as Frank, Mac and Dennis try their hand at real estate; Dee arranges to be a surrogate mother for a rich couple; Charlie squares off with a lawyer. (You can read my review of the first four episodes here.)

Cap off the evening with a sneak peek of FX's animated comedy series Archer, about an international man of mystery and his eccentric co-workers, which launches early next year.


Jo Allen said…
I can't wait for Fringe and It's Always Sunny!
perrypalla said…
Still can't decide if I'm going to tune in to The Office. Felt like a waste of time last season (sad cause it used to be my fav show). I am liking Parks & Rec and your review said the first few eps were great so I might just watch that instead.
Dani In NC said…
The only thing on my radar for tonight is Bones. That show's funny bits are funnier to me than any of the comedies you mentioned.
kat said…
Can't wait for Fringe and Community!

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