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HBO Says "Deadwood" Movies "Doable But Daunting"

Remember how HBO tried to placate fans of the canceled drama Deadwood with promises of made-for-TV movies which would wrap up the series in a meaningful way?

If you're a Deadwood fan, it's been the one thing that you haven't forgotten about, I'm sure. However, HBO is now saying that the possibility of those Deadwood codas are "doable but daunting," according to the network's Michael Lombardo, President of the Programming Group and West Coast Operations.

The reasons? Well for one, there are no actor contracts in place and most of Deadwood's coterie have moved onto other projects, so that's a major hurdle in and of itself. But add that to the fact that creator David Milch has been focused on his latest series, HBO's John From Cincinnati, and you have a bit of a problem.

"[HBO has] had no conversations with David yet," Lombardo told Variety. "We're still interested but it may not happen."

Hmmm, the dissolution of a series of after-the-fact telepics designed to tie up loose ends and soothe the injured fans? Well, that just smacks of those oft-mentioned Spike movies. And we all know what happened to those in the end...

What's On Tonight

8 pm: Jericho (CBS); 1 vs. 100 (NBC); WWE Friday Night SmackDown (CW; 8-10 pm); George Lopez/George Lopez (ABC); Bones (FOX)

9 pm: Jericho (CBS); Las Vegas (NBC); Greek (ABC); Standoff (FOX)

10 pm: NUMB3RS (CBS); Law & Order: Criminal Intent (NBC); 20/20 (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8 pm: Jericho.

Missed the first 11 episodes of the post-apocalyptic series? Tonight's your chance to see what all the fuss and peanuts are about with "Return to Jericho," a one-hour recap of those first 11 installments.

9 pm: Doctor Who on Sci Fi.

On tonight's episode ("The Shakespeare Code"), the Doctor and his new traveling companion, Martha Jones, are the victims of some witches' spell and end up face to face with the Bard himself.

9 pm: Jericho.

Looks like CBS is skipping ahead a bit with tonight's installment ("Black Jack"), in which Dale and Heather join Jake and Johnston to a trading post outside Jericho in order to get equipment to fix the windmill.


Anonymous said…
Doctor Who tonight looks fantastic. I'm already a fan of Martha Jones and am looking forward to seeing what mischief she and the Doctor get into tonight!
Anonymous said…

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