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Separated at Birth: Kenneth the Page and Mel?

It's no secret that my love for NBC's comedy 30 Rock knows no bounds and I've been shouting from the rooftops whenever possible about getting people to tune in to HBO's new musical-comedy series Flight of the Conchords.

In watching this past week's Flight of the Conchords (and several episodes of 30 Rock saved on my TiVo and iPod), I couldn't help but be struck by some similarities by the series' respective scene-stealers, Kenneth the Page and Mel the Fan. (Am I alone in thinking this?)

Were these two separated at birth? Let's compare and contrast the two lovably bizarre and tragically misunderstood naifs.

Name: Kenneth Ellen Parcell (30 Rock)
Occupation: NBC Page
Marital Status: Single (though was pressured into making a move on Cirie)
Likes: Attending church at Eighth Day Resurrected Covenant of the Holy Trinity, knitting woolen bikinis for his granny, sandwiches, Jack Donaghy, ChapStick, starting every day with a smile.
Dislikes: The "evil kids" in the film Footloose, swearing, adultery (especially when it involves Pete), losing at poker, shotguns.
Hobbies: Creating imaginary television shows (like Gold Case), dancing, acting as "gay bait" while in the employ of NBC.
Favorite Facial Expressions: Wide-eyed awe, upward glances of devotion, psychopath's smile.
Celebrity Crush: Tracy Jordan; after all, he risked his life to get him to the finale on time.
Most Cherished Item: His NBC Page jacket, natch.

Name: Mel (Flight of the Conchords)
Occupation: President/Secretary/ Treasurer, Flight of the Conchords Fan Club
Marital Status: Married (to Doug, though open to relationship with FotC band member)
Likes: Flight of the Conchords, waiting in Mr. Lee's stairwell, stalking, make-your-own t-shirts, Jemaine's lips, the mating rituals of fish, fantasizing about Jemaine, use of the word "Adonis."
Dislikes: Any woman who dates Bret or Jemaine, aquarium ads that don't use proper fonts, getting interrupted in her FotC love by hubby Doug.
Favorite Facial Expressions: Wide-eyed awe, overeager smile, nervous laughter.
Celebrity Crush: Um, duh, Flight of the Conchords' Bret and Jemaine.
Most Cherished Item: Photograph of Jemaine's lips kept in her wallet.

What do we think? Are Kenneth and Mel separated at birth... or just two freaky sides of the same maladjusted coin? You decide.

On the next Flight of the Conchords ("Sally Returns"), Sally, the woman who broke both Bret and Jemaine's hearts, re-enters their lives unexpectedly and connects with Jemaine, while Murray finds investment opportunities in the stars.


Anonymous said…
Ha! I think you're on to something here. One thing's for sure...these are two of the funniest supporting characters on TV!
Anonymous said…
LOL! These two are definitely separated at birth. I love 30 Rock and Flight and I'd pay to see Kenneth and Mel hook up. Not literally of course.
Matt said…
I definitely need to "research" this in more depth. And by research I mean watch more television without wearing any pants.
Anonymous said…
Just watched the last Flight of the Conchords ep again and loved every second of it. I think you are onto something here. Either they are related or these two are meant for each other. Spin-off maybe?

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