All joking aside, the fact that I've seen the pilot hasn't stopped my eagerness to catch the cast and crew of Pushing Daisies at Comic-Con San Diego at the end of the month for a sneak peek and Q&A panel on Saturday, July 28th at 9:15 am.
So, if you're going to be in SD for the con, I strongly urge you to drop by the screening and try to figure out which gushing fanboy I am.
If that's not enough incentive, how about this brand-spanking-new promo for Pushing Daisies, courtesy of the wonderful folks at Warner Bros. Television?
Come on, aren't you just dying to see the series right now?
Besides I'll get to see the beautiful Sackhoff at the BSG panel, so I guess I can wait a few hours.
BTW you going all weekend or just for Saturday? Maybe we'll bump into each other.
I've seen both the Pushing Daisies pilot and Bionic Woman. Both are great but I think you made the right decision to see PD at Comic-Con. You're in for a real treat! Plus, I'm sure it will look stunning on the big screen. Enjoy!
Anna Friel was hot too.