So it was with great relief when I discovered this morning a fun Lost article, from a rather unlikely source, that spoils nothing about tonight's season premiere or the upcoming season of my favorite drama. PC Magazine's Jennifer L. DeLeo, assistant editor and general Lost fan, has written a rather tongue-in-cheek article, entitled "Gadgets You Need If You're Lost," about the gadgets DeLeo would recommend to the castaways to either get off the cursed island... or at least make their (enforced) stay a little more pleasurable.
And, lest you think that she stuck to main castaways Jack, Kate, and Sawyer (who, after their capture at the hands of the Others in the season finale, would need these gadgets more than their fellow castaways), rest assured, DeLeo has included her picks for all of the major castaways from those three to Mr. Eko, Sun and Jin, Rousseau, and even the Other-Formerly-Known-as-Henry-Gale. My favorite has got to be one of the items picked out for Claire: the Mommy I'm Here! Child Locator, so she can "keep tabs on Aaron."
I'm wondering if the Others want to trade in those theatrical-beard-and-makeup kits Kate found in one of the stations for something else. Maybe that 80GB iPod video DeLeo picked out for Hurley...