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Casting Couch: More Richardson on "Nip/Tuck" While Peregrym Not Grim on "Reaper"

Nip/Tuck fans wondering just what happened to Julia won't have to wait very long to find out.

After months of speculation about whether actor Joely Richardson would return to the drama series, FX has announced that it has concluded a deal that will bring Richardson back for 15 of the 22 episodes of Season Five.

Richardson, who appeared in 11 of 15 episodes of Nip/Tuck last season, had made comments that she would be departing the series in order to spend time with her family, including her daughter, who was believed to be seriously ill. However, Richardson's daughter has since appeared to have recovered.

As for Richardson's character, Julia, she was last seen moving to New York with her daughter Annie and son Conor in the season finale. Just how the series' writers will get Julia and the kids to Los Angeles, site of the new McNamara/Troy offices remains to be seen.

In other casting news, the CW has announced that it has recast the female lead on fall dramedy series Reaper.

Missy Peregrym (Heroes) will play Bret Harrison's adorable co-worker whom he has a crush on; she replaces Nikki Reed, who played the role in the original pilot.

Peregrym is familiar to many Heroes fans as shapeshifter/illusionist Candice Wilmer; she also appeared on Life As We Know It.

What's On Tonight

8 pm: The New Adventures of Old Christine/The New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS); Age of Love (NBC); Everybody Hates Chris/All of Us (CW); Wife Swap (ABC); Family Guy/Family Guy (FOX)

9 pm: Two and a Half Men/How I Met Your Mother (CBS); Age of Love (NBC); Girlfriends/The Game (CW); Ex-Wives Club (ABC); Hell's Kitchen (FOX)

10 pm: CSI: Miami (CBS); Science of Love (NBC); Supernanny (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

9 pm: Big Love on HBO.

HBO's polygamist family drama Big Love is back. On tonight's episode ("Reunion"), Bill and Nicky travel to Juniper Creek for a family reunion... and are reunited with Bill's uncle Eddie, while Barb catches Margene and Ben in, er, a rather compromising position.

9 pm: Hell's Kitchen.

No, I don't know why I am still watching this train wreck of a culinary competition. On tonight's installment, a team's failure to identify even the most pedestrian of foods during a blind test test lead a furious Gordon to arrange a rather stomach-turning test.


The CineManiac said…
As a big fan of Peregrym from both Heroes and Life As We Know It, this is exciting news. Especially since this is one of the shows I'm most looking forward to next season, between the premise, The Loop's Bret Harrison, and Kevin Smith directing the pilot I was already in, but now with Peregrym thrown into the mix I just might have to actually watch this show live instead of just tivoing it!

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