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Storylines Kept Firmly Under Wraps at Sci Fi's "Eureka" Panel

People really seem to love Eureka. And I mean REALLY love it.

There's a lot of love emanating from the several thousand people who lined up to see the cast of Eureka--including Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Ed Quinn, Joe Morton, and Jordan Hinson--and showrunner Jamie Paglia deliver on update on just what exactly the audience can expect to find in Season Two of the grounded sci fi series.

Salli Richardson was immediately pelted with a key question: will her character end up with Carter or Stark? Richardson hedged her bets (much to the crowd's chagrin) by saying, "This is Eureka and we're progressive... so I'm doing them both."

As for what else we can expect for Season Two, showrunner and executive producer Jamie Paglia said it will be based more about the characters and their interactions, while still maintaining a standalone quality (i.e., mystery of the week). There will be ongoing storylines for all of the characters and Paglia promises that Eureka's second season "will be a lot more satisfying for a lot of people."

Paglia promised that this season will pay off on a lot of the storylines set up in the first season, especially since Sci Fi will be airing the episodes in order this time around (as opposed to Season One) and we will see resolutions to subplots like the Beverly Barlowe storyline.

As for Allison, Richardson's character, she's recently taken over as the chief of Global, forcing her to re-examine the relationships in her life. "It's forcing Allison to see Stark as the man she married and a scientist," said Richardson. "rather than just this government guy." It will also add another layer of tension to her relationship with Carter. After all, she is his boss now.

So does that mean she'll wind up back in Stark's arms again? As for who Allison will wind up with Richardson joked, "It's going to be Fargo." Seriously though, Richardon expressed the fact that Allison is torn between these two men. "Am I supposed to abandon what's safe for the guy that could be the love of my life?" (Um, yeah.)

Speaking of Fargo, actor Neil Gracen was conspicuously absent from the panel. Ed Quinn explained that Gracen was supposed to be there but, due to a snowstorm, was stuck at an airport in Denver. (Rats!)

Joe Morton was asked if his character, Henry, is now Eureka's villain. Morton disagreed. "He certainly has an agenda--find out what happened to Kim--but he's always working to do the right thing and do what it takes to make that happen," said Morton. "He'll always go far out on a limb to do what he wants."

Jordan Hinson talked about how Zoe has become a "real teen this year" and that her role won't be so much about rebellion anymore. But Zoe has begun to date ("It's an issue," chimed in her on-screen dad, Colin Ferguson) and fit into the bigger picture of Eureka. Something that both Hinson and Ferguson appreciate. These characters have to grow and "there has to be adaptation at some point," said Hinson.

The entire Eureka team raved about the new sets that were brought in for Season Two, said to be "incredibly user-friendly" and "incredible." We're told that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg and that there's more to the new Global set than we've seen so far.

As for his favorite Eureka episode, Ferguson said one of his faves--"Games People Play"--airs on Tuesday. (In it, Carter ends up in a parallel version of Eureka where people keep disappearing. Creepy!)

Ferguson was asked if people think he's, er, dense in real life. "What was the question again?" he joked. Richardson comes to his defense, saying that Ferguson is the complete opposite of Carter and he ends up explaining her lines to her. "He knows a lot of the tech stuff," she said. "He does his homework."

Carter doing his homework? Now that I'd like to see.


Anonymous said…
People definitely love this show but I gave up after a few episodes. Isn't wasnt' bad but I just felt that it could be so much better. Ultimately, it just felt like a watered-down "4400" or something. I don't mind it being lighter but I wanted more story to sink my teeth into. Not just the same zany mishap plot week after week.

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