FOX has pulled reality series When Women Rule the World off its schedule, benching the series until this summer, a move which has freed up real estate on its now 24-free Monday night lineup.
According to Variety, the decision to cut When Women Rule the World "could have come down to a sales issue. On the surface, When Women Rule the World -- which follows a group of women who control a group of men -- does not sound like something advertisers would be keen on.
New midseason dramas Canterbury's Law--starring Julianna Margulies as a hard-edged attorney who takes whatever is necessary to win a case (though one to whom Damages' Patty Hewes wouldn't likely give a second thought)--and New Amsterdam, about an immortal detective (no, not Angel... or Moonlight) will now launch on Monday nights.
Both series will launch after Prison Break and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles wrap their shortened runs on Monday evenings, behind repeats of House.
Also on tap: midseason series The Return of Jezebel James, Unhitched, and Thursday night installments of American Idol, along with reality series Moment of Truth.
While I am not particularly keen on any of FOX's midseason entries, I'm at least glad that some of them are scripted series that were held over until now, rather than ghastly strike-replacement programming like When Women Rule the World.