I do wish, however, that we would have started out 2008 with news of some sort of accord between the WGA and the AMPTP; instead, it seems as though the chasm between the two sides is widening rather than shrinking. Sigh.
To that end, with 2008 upon us, I thought I'd come up with a few New Year's resolutions for myself that are--as opposed to most people's resolutions about losing weight, quitting smoking, etc.--solely television-focused, in this time of industry strife.
So what exactly am I proposing?
(1) Refrain from watching strike-replacement programming, no matter how much you might be desperate for something new to watch on the telly.
Yep, you read that correctly. That means no American Gladiators, Supernanny, or When Women Rule the World. I'd rather turn off the television than tune in to long on the shelf reality fare or unscripted series rushed into production and on the air.
And poor ratings for these strike-replacement programs means eroding the networks' stance that these are acceptable replacements for the scripted programming that we love and miss.
(2) Watch scripted series I don't normally tune in to on a regular basis.
That means sampling series that I don't really have anything against, per se, but don't really watch religiously, programs like Bones, for example, or Friday Night Lights. But there's no way that even wild horses will get me to tune in to CBS' Moonlight, Sophia Myles or no. Sorry, guys, that's one line I just can't cross.
(3) Tune in to repeats of scripted series.
Show the networks that you want the strike resolved quickly because you are desperate, not for mindless reality fare, but for the return of quality scripted series to the air. So do yourself a favor and watch the repeats of series like Pushing Daisies or Grey's Anatomy, if that's your bag.
(4) Watch more TV on DVD.
Over the years, I've amassed quite a collection on TV on DVD that most of the time sits patiently on my shelves waiting for a trip to the DVD player. With virtually no new first-run scripted programming to watch on network television, I'm planning on spending some time in the Televisionary past, taking a stroll down memory lane with the first few seasons of Gilmore Girls, rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Wonderfalls, or Battlestar Galactica in its entirety, taking a trip across the pond with Brit imports like The Office, The Thick of It, Extras, Vicar of Dibley, or Jonathan Creek.
Or I'll pick up a few season collections of series that I didn't get a chance to watch the first time around on television. Maybe I'll even find a few new Televisionary obsessions along the way. And if you haven't quite managed the enormous collection I have, there's always Netflix...
So, my question to you readers is this: what television-related New Year's resolutions are you making in 2008?
And I've already begun the TV on DVD viewing. It's about time I got the shrink wrap off of some of those boxed sets.
Jace, for something across the pond, did you ever catch the BBC six-parter "State of Play" from about 3 years ago? Currently being made into a movie, but the original is excellent if you can get your hands on it (you'll be pleased to see the two leads from Life on Mars in it, amongst others).
I figure it's time to catch up on British shows.
But yeah, shouldnt we be holding back on the DVD purchases? I know I brought it up before and was met with a disagreeing group especially before Christmas. The British DVD's sounds like a good option though!
But the other ideas (especially catching up on Friday Night Lights and avoiding replacement reality TV) are a must!
As for the DVD issue, I haven't actually bought any since the strike began but have several floor-to-ceiling bookcases filled with TV on DVD. As for those without such large collections, that's why I suggested Netflix (rather than purchasing).
It is indeed a time to explore British series and if you're not watching BBC America, now is the perfect time to start!
Touching Evil
Clocking Off
Linda Green
Shameless (region 2)
Fans of Russell T Davies for his work on reviving Doctor Who and creating Torchwood might want to check out his past works (including work on Touching Evil and Linda Green, above):
Dark Season
Century Falls
Queer as Folk
Bob and Rose
The Second Coming
Also, for another British twist on a Torchwood type organisation (written and directed by Joe Ahearne who was director of 5 episodes of the new Doctor Who)
Lastly, I mentioned Cracker in relation to Paul Abbott, but it was created by the wonderful Jimmy McGovern. Here is some of his other work:
The Lakes
The Street
And that's just some of the UK drama that is out there. And you can buy or rent it safe in the knowledge that you are supporting a system where the writers get royalties of 2.5% on large scale DVD release.