Unlike the first two episodes, I haven't yet seen tonight's installment of V, so I am as much in the dark about what will happen just as much as you are. But I am curious to know just what viewers of the alien invasion drama WANT to see happen tonight and next week and what you think WILL actually happen.
Among the questions up for debate: Just what is Anna's plan and will we find out what the Vs want from Earth's inhabitants? Will Chad fall under her spell? Will Ryan be able to keep Valerie safe? Will Dale come gunning for Erica? Is the old priest a Visitor in disguise? Will Tyler brush his hair?
Discuss... and, as always, no spoilers, just pure conjecture.
On tonight's episode of V ("A Bright New Day"), Chad reports from the Peace Ambassador Center as 100 diplomatic visas are being issued to the first wave of American Visitors, with Anna getting the first, but not everyone agrees with the decision; Erica tracks a death threat while paired with a V officer; Ryan begins reaching out to his old friends to build up opposition forces and help fight off the Visitor invasion.
It seems obvious to me that the 'humans' will create a resistance and the audience will be kept wondering who is a visitor and who is a human. Unless there's some serious character development coming - I may pass on the rest of this series.