FOX's Glee may have hit a ratings high this week, but the popular show has hit a new low in terms of story.
Over at The Daily Beast, you can read my latest feature, "Why I Loathe Glee," where I offer my take on where the Fox musical-comedy has gone horribly, offensively wrong.
Head to the comments to discuss whether you agree or disagree with my assessment and whether the show has lost its way entirely.
When did copying something become entertainment? There's no satire or homages here, it's just straight up copying.
And I dislike Glee's mean streak, although Sue seems to have lost it this year as you noted.
I really hated Rachel's character on this episode. It seemed a little much even for her. Also, I think it was dumb that they just had Tina dump Artie during the break. That's something that could have worked in this season and given an interesting storyline to some beloved characters and getting us to know Asian Mike better and grow his character.