I was really hoping Danny and Oz would make it to the final three, but instead we have two of my least favorite teams (Eric & Danielle and Charla & Mirna, if you're keeping score) racing for $1 million against the Beauty Queens. Dustin and Kandice, I've been rooting for you this whole time, so don't let me down!
Last night's episode of The Amazing Race featured the Beauty Queens at their finest, as they managed to stay ahead of the other teams the entire time, even when the other teams managed to get on the same flight as Dustin and Kandice. Though I am still not entirely sure how Charla and Mirna showed up at the airport so quickly behind the Beauty Queens as they were on a ferry that departed an hour later. Color me confused. In any event, I was whooping and hollering as the girls continued their winning streak, once again landing in the top spot. Plus, they seemed to have a hell of a good time getting there. Dustin completely got into the Roadblock and had an awesome time locating a "downed" pilot and making her way to the extraction point, where she was airlifted by helicopter. Can these two just win the top prize already?

Charla, meanwhile, couldn't keep her fingers off the GPS device and, despite her military escort and Mirna telling her, she kept pressing the screen and buttons of the device, resulting in an error about more than half the time. As much as I admire Charla, I couldn't help but roar with laughter as she repeatedly kept touching the damn thing.
Oh, Mirna and her accents. This week, she basically insulted a taxi driver with one of her put-on phony accents as she kept asking him for airport and then had the temerity to turn to the camera and explain that it always helps to ask a person in the right accent. Um, no, Mirna. How about you use your real accent and not some bizarro Spanish/Italian/Esperanto accent? Maybe then the person on the receiving end of your questions would understand you. Who else was cheering when they missed the first ferry?
I thought it sad that only Charla and Mirna chose the "humanitarian" Detour last night (but given the fact that the clue stated it would take longer, I understand the decision) but the experience did seem like a once-in-a-lifetime sort of thing. And anyone that puts Mirna in her place--a military officer chastised her for throwing stuff into the box for the drop as if the items were garbage--is A-okay with me.
And, Mirna, just because you haven't seen someone else the Internet, doesn't mean that they don't know HOW to use the Internet. Get a clue and drop the holier-than-thou attitude. How Danny and Oswald think that these two should win is beyond me.
One of the best lines of the night: "We're not sure whether we landed in Japan or in Alaska, because we felt the cold breeze, freezing cold, but we don't care." - Oswald, upon making in onto the flight with the other three teams.
It's down to the final three and, while I wish that two of the teams were replaced by others, I can't wait to see what happens next week. If the Beauty Queens win, I'll be ecstatic. And, as long as Eric and Danielle don't win, I'll be satisfied.
But I'm more than a little nervous because, if you haven't noticed, The Amazing Race hasn't yet been picked up for another season. Which means that there hasn't been any production begun for a twelfth installment of TAR and next week's episode might just be the last leg of the Amazing Race. Fingers crossed that it's not the case.
Next week on the season finale of The Amazing Race: Dustin and Kandice's relationship capsizes like their kayak, leading Dustin to be hurt by Kandice's words; Charla and Mirna attempt to outwit the other teams with their dazzling display of interweb know-how; the final challenge is a test to see how well teammates know one another. All this, plus one team walks away with a cool $1 million prize. Who will it be? Find out next week.
What's On Tonight
8 pm: How I Met Your Mother/The New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS); Deal or No Deal (NBC); Everybody Hates Chris/All of Us (CW); Dancing with the Stars (ABC; 8-9:30 pm); House (FOX)
9 pm: Two and a Half Men/The King of Queens (CBS); Heroes (NBC); Girlfriends/The Game (CW); The Bachelor (ABC; 9:30-11 pm); 24 (FOX)
10 pm: CSI: Miami (CBS); The Real Wedding Crashers (NBC)
What I'll Be Watching
8 pm: Waking the Dead on BBC America.
It's the return of the stylish smart UK murder investigation series. On tonight's episode, Boyd is requested by MI-6 to re-open an investigation involving the murder of an Iraqi rebel, even though the killer had been caught and convicted. Curious...
8 pm: Everybody Hates Chris.
On tonight's episode ("Everybody Hates Dirty Jokes"), Chris becomes popular after telling some dirty jokes gleaned from his parents' comedy albums, Drew gets some unwanted attention from a girl, and Rochelle tries to find her busybody mom a man.
8:30 pm: Old Christine.
On tonight's episode ("Friends"), Christine, Richard, Matthew, and Barb push one another's boundaries while they go on a road trip, following Ritchie's school camping trip in the desert.
9 pm: 24.
It's Day Six of 24. While FOX doesn't give us much in the way of previews, here's what we do know: Audrey experiences a severe post-traumatic reaction to her captivity in the hands of the Chinese, while Kari Matchett-sniffing Acting President Noah Daniels receives a rather shocking message from Russian President Suvarov. As for me, I'm more interested in what Karen Hayes is up to.
10 pm: The Riches on FX.
Is anyone else watching new drama The Riches on FX? On tonight's episode ("X Marks the Spot"), it's a return to some of the levity seen in earlier episodes as the Molloys plan a con on a disgraced baseball player in order to save their new life in Eden Falls.
I'm sad that Danny and Oz were eliminated but, as much as I liked them, I never thought they really gave it 110%. Especially in the last few legs.
I'm definitely rooting for the beauty queens but am already upset that they get in a fight next week. They're usually calm, cool, and collected and I hope the spat doesn't cost them the race.
I can't believe that Eric and Danielle are in the final three, especially after coming in last TWICE only to be saved by non-eliminations rounds. Why oh why couldn't one of those non-eliminations have gone to Rob and Amber?!
I will have to say one thing about Charla and Mirna: as offended as I am about their Broken English, Mirna's bad attitude, and their offensiveness towards foreigners, I do have to say, at least they are consistent. As they harass and bitch at taxi drivers all over the world to go faster and faster, at least they extended the same privledge to the pilot of the aircraft: that they were in race and that the plane needed to go faster back to the airfield. Hey, if they can convince the pilot of a plane to speed up, they might actually have a chance to win this thing. Though Charla's weak running abilities suggested them being overpowered in the final home footrace to the finish line.
I am ok with E&D getting in the final three. I don't mind them that much. I wish the Cha Cha's could have overpowered C&M but at least the Beauty Queen's are in and I hope they win!
If not Rob & Amber, then the Beauty Queens for the win.
After the Cha Cha's got kicked off, Oswald and Danny comment about "opening up" a gay nursing home. Not sure why "opening up" was in air quotes but it was a hilarious moment!
And I definitely don't think D&O were kidding about wanting C&M to win. And I was very disappointed in them.