Did you miss the original cast of Sid, Tony, Michelle, Cassie, and the rest? Are you intrigued by this new batch of unruly teens? Did the tone feel slightly off between the casual and brusque sexuality of Effy and Cook and the oddness of that first day college assembly? Are you completely amused by Pandora or turned off by her sunny quirkiness? Which characters stand out most to you?
And, most importantly, will you tune in again next week?
Talk back here.
Next week on Skins ("Cook"), Cook prepares to celebrate his seventeenth birthday, although things take a turn for the worse when he encounters a gangster by the name of Johnny White.
But those are comments for another day, hmm?
Turning in last night for Series three, I felt like what I was watching was the trailer promo that they had been running for the last week. I wasn't impressed, but at the same time I wasn't disappointed. Now that we are introduced to the characters, I am ready for the rhythm of the show to kick in and for the plots to start moving along.
Overall, I was entertained but am now waiting for the show to hit the gas.
And then the ending. Compare the wistful romance -- with a nice sharp edge wrapped inside -- of that first pilot, Cassie and Syd on the trampoline, with the whambamthankyouwham sex between Effie and Cook. Yes, the writers wanted to make a point. New series, new attitude.
Unfortunately, this new attitude is lacking in most of the qualities that made the first series so memorable.
And yes, it gets a little better in subsequent episodes. But probably not better enough.
Make sure you watch the new series because for those of you that liked lesbian action, shrooms in the wood and sex here there and everywhere...it couldn't get much better...and I hate to say it being a british teen myself...100% realistic :P