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TCA Diary: FOX Executive Session

"I'd be heartbroken if it went away."

That's FOX President of Entertainment Kevin Reilly talking about sci-fi drama Fringe as the TCA Winter Press Tour rolls on, with FOX's Kevin Reilly and Peter Rice addressing the press.

One topic widely expected to be discussed was the fate of FOX's Fringe, which will move from Thursdays to Fridays later this month.

Among the other topics raised at the low-key (a change for FOX, given the previous years', uh, traditional hubbub) executive session: the future of Lie to Me, House, and Bones, Terra Nova, Lone Star, and more.

So what did the two have to say? Let's take a look.

Fringe: "I beg you not to write the eulogy prematurely," said Reilly. "It's been in a four-way scripted race. I want that audience to transfer to Fridays."

And just like many of us, Reilly seems to really like Fringe: "I'd be heartbroken if it went away."

Reilly said that, with the move to the Friday night slot, Fringe is now more free to play to its fans, rather than try to bring in new viewers on a weekly basis.

"If we just transfer the ratings we have to Friday nights, we have significantly increased our audience in terms of number and quality," he said. If they can keep up the numbers--and the DVR numbers as well--Fringe could stick around "for many years to come."

So... if you watched Fringe when it aired on Thursdays, please watch it on Fringe

Lie to Me: "[Lie to Me] has developed a very loyal audience, where ever we put it." While its fate is still undecided, it doesn't depend on just whether The Chicago Code succeeds or fails, but all of the other midseason shows as well.

House and Bones: Reilly said that he anticipates that both House and Bones will return next season. Some contract negotiations going on behind the scenes but both shows are creatively strong.

Locke & Key: Reilly said supernatural drama pilot Locke & Key was originally intended for summer but it's now being looked at for elsewhere. "It's in the hopper for May and we'll see."

Lone Star: "We could talk a long time about it. We made a show that we really loved... Not enough people showed up to watch it," said Rice. "The truth is it failed. It failed to meet expectations we had... I'd much rather fail w/a show that we're creatively proud of."

Reilly said that the remaining six episodes of Lone Star could still air, but... "I can get you a discount on the box set," said Reilly.

Terra Nova: Rice said that Terra Nova is "on budget" and denies there are budget overruns, while Reilly said that director Alex Graves came in "right on budget" whilst shooting the two-hour pilot in the Australian rainforest.

Running Wilde: "I think I watered down Mitch's vision," said Reilly, joking. "I think the show was struggling to find its legs." He went on to say that it was a case of too little, too late when the show found its feet.

Glee Redux: Reilly on competitors' efforts to replicate Glee: "It will just make #Glee look that much better."

Development: "There is a long-term focus on what our schedule should be," said Rice. Same amount of money was spent on development this year, maybe even more, he said.

And that's a wrap for the executive session.


Anonymous said…
Wasn't Fringe moved to Fridays last spring,too?
Jace Lacob said…
Nope. Which is what makes it so worrisome.
Ben said…
I'm hoping the Friday move will allow the writers to get even crazier with their stories, since now they have no notions of building an audience. I just hope the current audience will follow it to Fridays, or else this will be it
Anonymous said…
Fringe is on my very short list of "can't miss" TV shows, so I would be very sorry to see it go.

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