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"Robin Hood" Without... Robin Hood?

What's Robin Hood without... Robin Hood?

BBC America has announced that it is co-producing Season Three of British series Robin Hood, which currently filming in Budapest and airs in the UK on BBC One. The series will return to the digital cabler in 2009, likely after it wraps its run across the pond.

However, much is being made of series lead Jonas Armstrong's decision to vacate the series at the end of the third season, in an episode described as an "explosive, nail-biting finale."

While no one at BBC One is saying that the series will come to an end at the end of Season Three, it's hard to fathom a series surviving after the exit of its title character. (Although, The Hogan Family did emerge from the ashes of Valerie and Monarch of the Glen continued on without laird Archie. Can anyone think of any others?)

"Robin Hood is more than a man," said a spokesperson for BBC One in a statement. "He is a hero and a legend - so how the legacy unfolds after Jonas leaves is in itself mysterious and intriguing, guaranteed to make fans desperate to find out what happens next."

“Jonas has been a superb Robin Hood who updated the legend for a contemporary audience, reinvigorating it for a whole new generation," added Robin Hood executive producer Foz Allen. "It has been a wonderful experience working with Jonas – we will miss him – and wish him all the success for his future. We cannot confirm the series climax, nor can we guarantee who will survive and who won't. You will have to watch it to see! But we can assure you Robin's exit will be unmissable!"

Series Three of Robin Hood is set to depict Robin as "older and tougher" and "hellbent on revenge" following the death of Maid Marian at the hands of Guy of Gisborne and the Sheriff's inability to kill Prince John. But there is possibly hope in the arrival of Friar Tuck (Blood Diamond's David Harewood), who becomes a key ally to Robin.

Robin Hood's third season will air on BBC America in 2009.

What's On Tonight

8 pm: Ghost Whisperer
(CBS); Summer Olympics (NBC); NFL Football (CW; 8-10 pm); War of the Worlds (ABC; 8-11 pm); Hellboy (FOX; 8-10 pm)

9 pm:

10 pm: Swingtown (CBS)

What I'll Be Watching

10 pm: Swingtown.

On tonight's episode ("Running on Empty"), Susan and Bruce try to reconnect with each other and their kids by taking a trip to the family cabin; Laurie tries to keep plans with Doug; Janet and Roger decide to see a therapist.


Anonymous said…
McLeod's Daughters has run through so many "daughters" that you practically need a chart to keep everyone straight.

Also, I think the key here is that "Robin Hood is more than a man." Who's to say that Robin Hood was a single person? What if he's more like the Dread Pirate Roberts, with one retiring and another being appointed to carry on the crusade against the rich? As long as Guy of Gisborne is still played by Richard Armitage, I'll be tuning in.
Sister T said…
Here, here, I second the Richard Armitage sentiment. He's what gets me through the Robin Hood episodes. But his schedule is getting so busy between Robin Hood, Spooks/MI-5 and a Richard III project, I expected he would be the one leaving midway through or at the end of season 3.
Doctor Who has survived (and thrived) by changing it's leading man!
Dan said…
Of course, the mystical Robin Of Sherwood in the '80s had Jason Connery taking over from Richard Praed. So there is a precedent for a change of lead. Mind you, with Marian gone and another rumour suggest Keith Allen wants out as the Sheriff, I don't think the show could survive the loss of all three leads. And isn't the BBC cultivating Merlin as Hood's successor for when Doctor Who isn't on air?

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