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Press Release: Jane Tranter to Co-Head BBC Worldwide's US Production Studio

LONDON/NEW YORK, Monday, September 22, 2008 – BBC Worldwide today confirmed that Jane Tranter will join the company next year as EVP Programming and Production, driving forward its U.S. scripted and reality business from its Los Angeles base.

As Controller, BBC Fiction, for BBC public service in the UK, Jane Tranter has been responsible for drama commissioning, as well as overseeing comedy commissioning, program acquisitions and BBC Films departments. She has lead a stable of diverse productions, many successful and award-winning in the U.S. including Doctor Who, Life on Mars, Gavin and Stacey, Rome, State of Play, Bleak House and Cranford.

Tranter will take joint responsibility for BBC Worldwide’s North American production business in LA and New York with Paul Telegdy, EVP Content & Production. She will report to both Garth Ancier, President BBC Worldwide America and Wayne Garvie, Managing Director Content & Production, BBC Worldwide.

Commenting on the appointment, Garth Ancier said: “Jane has made a truly exceptional contribution to scripted television, not only in the UK, but worldwide. She has developed and overseen some of the most iconic dramas of the decade, many of which were co-produced with U.S. partners and enjoyed tremendous success in the States. Whether formatting UK shows for U.S. audiences, or nurturing close ties with top writing talent, Jane is the perfect person to lead our expansion into drama and comedy, and we’re tremendously fortunate to have her.”

Wayne Garvie added: “Jane Tranter is one of the most gifted television executives of her generation. I believe Jane and Paul Telegdy will form one of the most innovative, energetic and successful partnerships in Hollywood and take our existing American production business to another level.”

BBC Director of Vision, Jana Benett, added: “Jane Tranter has been an unequalled force in British drama. Over the years I have worked with her, BBC Drama has gone from strength to strength. She has reinvented family drama in Doctor Who, Robin Hood and Merlin and launched acclaimed contemporary series such as Spooks, Life on Mars and Cranford. She stands for bold decision making and backing the best work from writers, performers and directors, across the range of scripted output: from the single drama to classic adaptation to cutting edge comedy and film. She will be a great addition to the vibrant world of U.S. television.”

On taking up the role, Jane said: “I am thrilled to be returning to production and working with BBC Worldwide. Paul has already established a cracking pace and area of excellence out there. I know that we have a huge and exciting task on our hands - and that we'll have great fun tackling it - and am very pleased to be able to make the move to U.S. drama whilst staying within the BBC family. I am hugely grateful for the opportunities, excitements and amazing colleagues, both in and outside the BBC over these past years.”

Tranter will leave her current position as Controller Fiction for BBC public service at the end of this year, taking up her new position on January 1, 2009. She will be stepping down from her current commissioning role with immediate effect to be replaced by Ben Stephenson, but will continue to add strategic input to BBC Fiction until she leaves.


What's On Tonight

8 pm: The Big Bang Theory/How I Met Your Mother (CBS); Heroes (NBC); Gossip Girl (CW); Dancing with the Stars (ABC; 8-10 pm); Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (FOX)

9 pm: Two and a Half Men/Worst Week (CBS); Heroes (NBC; 9-11 pm); One Tree Hill (CW); Prison Break (FOX)

10 pm: CSI: Miami (CBS); Boston Legal (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

8 pm: Gossip Girl.

Finally, an episode of Gossip Girl that I didn't already watch over a month ago. Season Two continues tonight with "The Ex-Files," in which Blair sets out to sabotage Dan's date with new girl Amanda while helping Vanessa deal with Nate's, er, lover/patron Catherine; Lily finds herself drawn back into Rufus' orbit.


Jane Tranter has an incredible track record and I'm excited to see what she'll do next.
Anonymous said…
Very good news for BBC Worldwide. They are lucky to have Jane and I think that she'll be able to do good thinks for them. They definitely need help on the scripted side as things like Viva Laughlin and The Thick of It failed to get any traction.

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