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Talk Back: Syfy's "Warehouse 13"

Enchanted combs. Houdini's wallet. A warehouse filled with arcane objects with mysterious power.

I'm talking of course of Syfy's new series Warehouse 13, which kicked off last night amidst the network's metamorphosis from Sci Fi to, well, Syfy.

You read my advance review of the two-hour pilot of Syfy's Warehouse 13 but, now that it's aired, I am curious to hear what you think. (Missed the two-hour pilot? You can watch the whole thing over at Hulu or after the jump.)

What did you think of the partnership between Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly's mismatched Secret Service agents Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering? Was it more Philadelphia Story than X-Files? Were you intrigued by the sci fi-lite plot that had these two becoming custodians for a repository of powerful objects with seemingly supernatural abilities? Or were you turned off by the glacial pacing? Are you enamored with Saul Rubinek's manic Artie? Did you find the concept refreshing or repetitive?

And, most importantly, will you tune in again next week to watch?

Talk back here.

Next week on Warehouse 13 ("Resonance"), Pete (Eddie McClintock) and Myka (Joanne Kelly) must team up with an FBI agent (guest star Tricia Helfter) in order to stop a team of bank robbers who have an unusual weapon: a LP record of an unreleased pop song written by a music genius that causes instant bliss in those who hear it, allowing the thieves to take what they want. Back at the Warehouse, Artie (Saul Rubinek) pinpoints the breach and heads to Washington.


Howard said…
Warehouse 13 is a very entertaining collage of the genre, and by genre I mean every genre. The casting is excellent, and the writing is juicy, even if the plot devices are made of wholly reconstituted juice.

It's as though the producers have sampled and remixed the classics of fantasy and sci-fi and unabashedly repackaged it for an audience starved for appointment TV. I will certainly DVR Warehouse 13 and sample it again.

In theme and tone, it is uncomfortably close to Eureka and a couple of the new shows promo'ed on the new SyFy. Time will tell.
Eric said…
It was OK. I'd watch another ep to see if I want to commit time to watching it this summer.
Hannah said…
I like the idea but agree that the pilot was really slow. Will tune in to the next episode, though, to see if they are able to pick up the pace in the one hour format.
Unknown said…
So far, it's rather derivative. Two mismatched people forced to work together. Check. Woman's cold. Man's a player. Check. Weird artifacts that are cutely (and quickly) exposed to the audience. Check. Quirky, funny sidekick. Check.

When Artie was strapping himself to the overhead gizmo, I said, "At least he didn't say, 'I hate this part." But, of course, a few seconds later, he did. Hello, writers? Please don't be a cliche.

I'm sure in subsequent episodes, we'll be given a hint of something mysterious and forboding, like who's in charge and why? Or what happened to Warehouses 1-12? This mystery may or may not be resolved at the end of the season.

Still, I'm watching it with the family. I think my kids will enjoy it, and I'll try to ignore the formulas.

Kudos for mentioning Nikola Tesla--one of the greatest researchers/inventors in history.
I think I will tune in next week. The two-hour show seemed really long and draggy, but I'm thinking this will go away with the shorter one-hour episode.

As silly summer TV goes, it was just fine. It was enjoyable and fun to watch. It has been done before, and I watch many of those shows and like them. It's okay by me!

I hope that the female agent lightness up. Her uncomfortableness made it hard to watch.
William said…
I was hoping to get a mix between TNT's The Librarian series and FOX's Fringe, but things fell a little short. For a show about tracking down mysterious artifacts, it lacked a sense of adventure. The characters were enjoyable and the actors had good chemistry. The town outside the warehouse could be interesting. The initial investigation in the pilot episode was too mundane, ultimately resulting in the slow pace noted by others. All in all, I think the show has potential and I will continue to watch.
Mazza said…
Meh. I'll watch the next ep but I'm not blown away by anything I've seen so far. We'll see
Drax said…
This was paint-by-numbers genre TV, with not a shred of originality in its DNA. Anyone else remember the Friday The 13th series ?
There was rock all chemistry between the two leads, the pilot had all the pacing of a pig on crutches. Having said all that, it does have potential and I'll give it another couple of episodes before I pull the plug.
The last few years have seen a marked and consistent rise in the quality of the summer TV schedules, so Warehouse 13 appears all the more amateur alongside Burn Notice, Nurse Jackie, it's own stablemate Eureka, and Leverage.
Faith Cooper said…
This review is for the Pilot. I like the drama and suspense.

And the idea is nice.
tv series

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