As the networks make way over the next few weeks to unveil some shiny new programming and bring back some old favorites, I'm curious to know which new and returning midseason series are you most looking forward to?
Amid the seemingly hundreds of series slated to premiere over the next few months, can you pick out the one that excites you the most? Is it the triumphant return of Chuck this weekend? The final season of Lost? Looking forward to getting the backstory on the birth of the Cylon race on Caprica?
Or, are you more interested in catching up with Nurse Jackie? Diving into the blood-and-sex of the 300-inspired Spartacus? Or the grit of HBO's ten-episode limited series The Pacific? Or hoping that BBC and BBC America announce a start date for the Matt Smith-led Season Five of Doctor Who?
Discuss which series you're most excited about and why.
sadly, Scrubs has finally improved after ABC has likely given up on it. Men of a Certain Age is good.
I also want more Glee (and Grey's always.)
Other shows are cool, but Chuck and Lost are unique. Dramatic, engaging, fun, genre-busting, never predictable. Who saw the Chuck S2 finale coming?
BTW, thanks Jace for such amazing blogs, interviews, Twitter updates, and behind the scenes work you do!
Host, Chuck vs. the Podcast
world's #1 TV-themed podcast
Also looking forward to Life Unexpected and waiting on bated breath for the Doctor Who announcement.
#2) FRINGE (question time!)
#3) GLEE (guilty pleasure. I DON"T KNOW WHY! and that scares me)
#4) Stargate: Universe (fix first half errors!)
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CHUCK is dead to me after the Chevy Chase/jump the shark episodes. And we lose the only watchable Baldwin on TV.
HEROES needs to find a shark, jump it, let the shark catch it, let the shark kill it and allow the shark to consume its' now rotting corpse.
2nd string: Burn Notice, Psych, Damages,
I've decided to give 24 another chance after several years of ignoring it. Mainly because of the great cast additions.
Parenthood will get an audition for the team.
I will mourn: Dollhouse, Better Off Ted
Honorable mention goes to Friday nights on cable with Caprica & Spartacus.