But, given the lackluster results, I am curious to know which of you out there watched the first episode of The Deep End. Just what did you thought of the series? (You can read my review of the original pilot episode, written last summer, here.)
Did you find it engaging? Self-indulgent? Ridiculous? Did the presence of Matt Long, Mehcad Brooks, or Tina Majorino make up for one-dimensional characters and an effort to capitalize on the soapiness of Grey's?
And is there any way you would ever tune in again?
Talk back here.
But am willing to give it another try before the final verdict.
However, I don't think I'll waste any additional time on it. It was one giant cliche. Any show that is marketed as being like Grey's Anatomy is an automatic turnoff anyways so I should have known better. It's really too bad for Matt and Tina because they deserve better!