While you read my advance review of the series premiere ("Fire in the Hole") and subsequent episodes, now that the first episode has aired, I'm curious what you thought of the episode. Did it live up to the hype? Did you enjoy the typically Elmore Leonard blend of action, comedy, and Western tropes?
What did you think of Timothy Olyphant's performance as U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens? And of the cast as a whole? (I ask thinking specifically of Walton Goggins' amazing turn as Boyd Crowder.) Surprised by the ending? What do you make of Raylan's anger issues and his relationships with ex-wife Winona and possible love interest Ava?
And, most importantly, will you be tuning in again next week?
Talk back here.
Next week on Justified ("Riverbrook"), Raylan tracks an escaped prisoner desperate to reunite with his former wife and a hidden fortune.
The other thing I found oddly interesting was Kentucky. Kentucky is a state I never give any thought about but the show has made the small state oddly compelling, really bringing to live a part of the country I know nothing about.
Lastly, I barely recognized Natalie Zea. I was very used to her character from Dirty Sexy Money so I was very suprised but I think she'll be great has the ex-wife.
And the ending, well, only in the south right?
I think this worked very well.
Maybe I just didn't care for the neo-Nazi storyline and characters, but nothing in this show indicated it would be something I would enjoy watching regularly.