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First Look: NBC Previews Summer Offerings "Merlin," "The Listener," "Meteor," and "The Storm"

With summer just around the corner, I've got some first looks at NBC's offerings for the sweltering season, including British fantasy series Merlin, Canadian co-production The Listener, and mini-series Meteor and The Storm.

Merlin is a 13-episode series that shines a light on the backstory of the Arthurian sorcerer as a teenager and novice in the mythical city of Camelot. The series premieres Sunday, June 21st at 8 pm ET/PT and stars Colin Morgan, Bradley James, John Hurt, Anthony Head, Richard Wilson, Katie McGrath, and Angel Coulby.

The Listener, launching Thursday, June 4th at 10 pm ET/PT, follows Toby Logan, a 25-year-old paramedic who is telepathic and tries to help people in need. It stars Craig Olejnik, Ennis Esmer, Colm Feore, Lisa Marcos, Mylene Dinh-Robic, and Anthony Lemke.

Additionally, NBC's schedule this summer will also include two mini-series, Meteor and The Storm.

In Meteor, airing Sunday, June 7th and June 14th at 9 pm ET/PT, two massive rocks -- tumbling debris older than the solar system itself -- collide in space, form a massive meteor the size of Mount Everest, and head straight towards Earth. Meteor stars Christopher Lloyd, Marla Sokoloff, Stacy Keach, Billy Campbell, Michael Rooker, and Jason Alexander.

Meanwhile, in The Storm, billionaire Robert Terrell has fulfilled a lifelong obsession and made history with "weather creation" technology though his Atmospheric Research Institute. But during a test run, a blast of energy is sent into the ionosphere with unexpected results. The Storm, starring Treat Williams, James Van Der Beek, David James Elliott, Teri Polo, Luke Perry, John Larroquette, and Marisol Nichols, will air Sunday, July 19th and Sunday, July 26th at 9 pm ET/PT.

Trailers for each of these projects can be found below.


The Listener:


The Storm:


I have to admit I'm intrigued by MERLIN, even though it does look like a bit like "Harry Potter-Origins".

But the other three shows...more variations of the same theme. Oh well. I don't watch much TV in the summer anyway.
kip said…
Merlin is great. Seen the whole first season. Fun family TV(middle school aged kids tho) that has a good plot line.

I like the listener. It looks like it is fun and interesting. Psych and the mentalist + mental abilities should be fun. The camera moved a bit so hopefully there will be a little less of that.
Anonymous said…
These all look terrible. Thanks NBC for giving me more shows I won't be watching.
Caladhiel said…
I've seen the whole first season of Merlin as well and really enjoyed it a lot. It's not the highest quality television ever made, but it's charming, and it's perfect family fare. My kids love it!
CrazyCris said…
I've already seen the first season of Merlin and am actually waiting for the dvd price to drop a bit on Amazon to watch them all again.

Lots of fun!!!

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