You read my advance review of NBC's new comedy series, Parks and Recreation, starring Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Aziz Ansari, Chris Pratt, Paul Schneider, Nick Offerman, and Aubrey Plaza, but--now that the series has launched--I am curious to see what you thought.
What did you think of the pilot episode of Parks and Recreation? Do you like the series' Mid-West milieu? Did you appreciate the use of The Office-style mockumentary format or did it grate on your nerves? Did you think Amy Poehler shined as Leslie Knope? And, most importantly, will you tune in again next week?
Talk back here.
Next week on Parks and Recreation ("Make My Pit a Park"), Leslie (Amy Poehler) decides that they should canvass the community to take the public reading on the pit project before a public forum; despite being extremely far away from bringing in contractors, Tom (Aziz Ansari) starts calling in favors from various city vendors.
"The Office" wouldn't be so successful if it had been designed as a Steve Carrell vehicle, as "Parks" was for Poehler. One of my favorite aspects of "The Office" from its slightly shaky beginnings is that each character, no matter how minor, is well-rounded, full of personality and depth. "Parks" fails on this level, and unfortunately it's most evident in Poehler's Leslie Knope. In the premiere, the Knope character comes across as one-dimensional, shallow, and too familiar. We've seen versions of this character before, and in many cases it's been done better. The portrayal was predictable, unfunny and at times painful to watch.
Rashida Jones' blandly-named Ann Perkins is a notch better, but her motivations make little sense. Making pancakes for the layabout boyfriend is one thing. Dedicating your life to building a park because of him is another. It's a rather weak premise for bringing the character into the cast. Unlike the self-contained milieu of "The Office," her presence takes viewers outside the theme of "Parks" and it feels like an intrusion.
One other niggling detail: While "The Office" does a fair job of making Burbank look like an acceptable tv facsimile Scranton, "Parks" looks like Southern California.
The episode had two bright moments for me: Louden Wainwright and the sullen intern.
Loudon Wainwright showing up was awesome as it was so unexpected but the whole thing left me bored overall. Not sure they can get it together here and there needs to be a moratorium on mockumentary comedies already.
Liked Tom hitting on Anne at the town hall meeting, Amy falling in the pit, the pancakes, the violent mural.
What happened to some of the funny bits from the promos? Like Amy talking about the old mayor being thrown from plane? I felt like the promos were funnier than the show itself.
As others have said, The Office had a very shaky start. (And, not including the most recent episodes, it hasn't been that great itself lately).
the mockumentary format really hinders the show, because it just doesn't need it. i will watch a few more episodes b/c i like the cast and pedigree, but i'm not thrilled out of the gates.
This is an SNL skit that's 20 minutes too long.
I'll tune in again, but it's going to have to come up a lot. I really wish they hadn't gone with the mockumentary format.