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"Revenge is the Ultimate Motivator": Two New "Damages" Season Two Promos

Another day, another set of fantastic promos for FX's Damages.

With only a little over a month to go until the launch of the serpentine legal thriller's sophomore season, my anticipation for this slick, sophisticated series is kicking into overdrive.

While the first promo provided some atmospheric shots of Ellen (Rose Byrne) stepping on Patty Hewes (Glenn Close) in the gutter, the two new promos showcase new footage from Season Two, including Ellen literally holding a smoking gun and uttering the memorable phrase, "Revenge is the ultimate motivator."

Take a look for yourself, after the jump:

First up, the 30-second "Whatever It Takes" spot:

I can't wait!

With "Whatever It Takes," we're treated to a glimpse inside Ellen's head as she tells us just what she's willing to do to get her revenge on Patty, after the events of Season One: become her protege, her confidante, be the daughter she never had. What's the deal with the cash, the gun, the, er, hugs? Only a little over a month to go!

And in the newest promo to date, entitled "The Case," we move inside Patty's mind as Patty informs Ellen what goes into choosing a case. "It starts with a seed of anger," she whispers malevolently. And I can't help but salivate as we get a one-minute plus look at the next season.

Frobisher, bloody, pleading for his life at gun point? Ellen agreeing to wear a wire and testify in court against Patty? Marcia Gay Harden telling Ellen that she's not safe? William Hurt and a dead body? FX, why are you teasing me like this?

Damages kicks off Season Two on Wednesday, January 7th at 10 pm ET/PT on FX.


Anonymous said…
Great promos! I can't wait for season two and am really looking forward to seeing what William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden will add to this already stellar cast!
Anonymous said…
I mean there's really nothing more to say than OMFG!! Why is FX teasing us so?
Anonymous said…
Pearl, OMFG is right. This looks SO good. January can't come soon enough! Why is Frobisher all bloody? Is he being chased by the guy from the end of season 1?

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