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"Stargate" Closed: Sci Fi Opts Not to Renew Long-Running Series

After ten seasons (and two different cable networks), drama Stargate SG-1 will be taking its final leap at the end of the current run.

According to an announcement made yesterday, cabler Sci Fi has opted not to renew the series, which recently aired its 200th episode and is scheduled to return in March with the second half of this season. However, the decision to wrap production on the longest-running sci fi series in TV history was, in the words of exec vp of original programming Mark Stern, "not a ratings-driven decision. We're actually going out on a high note." In fact, Sci Fi has given the series' producers enough leeway to wrap up the series at the end of the season.

Stargate SG-1 spin off Stargate: Atlantis will continue, however, as the cabler has renewed that series for a fourth season. And it's possible that some familiar faces from SG-1 might migrate over to its sister show, at least according to Sci Fi.

While I never watched Stargate SG-1 or its companion series, I know that both have an extremely loyal fanbase that must be saddened by the cancellation. However, an inside source tells me that another sci-fi series--one of my favorites--has been picked up for another season. Expect an announcement later today or tomorrow... But in the meantime I am simply jumping with joy. More on that to come...

What's On Tonight

8 pm: JCPenney Jam: The Concert for America's Kids (CBS); Fear Factor (NBC); Gilmore Girls (WB); According to Jim/According to Jim (ABC); House (FOX); Major League Baseball (UPN)

9 pm: Big Brother: All-Stars (CBS); Gilmore Girls (WB); According to Jim/According to Jim (ABC); Vanished (FOX)

10 pm: Rock Star: Supernova (CBS); Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC); Primetime (ABC)

What I'll Be Watching

9 pm: Eureka on Sci-Fi.

The whimsical new sci-fi drama that's more Northern Exposure than Stargate. On tonight's episode ("Dr. Nobel"), the gang enlists the help of an aging scientist to prevent a catastrophe. It better not be the same catastrophe from The 4400, because that's seeming more and more likely...

11 pm: Love Soup on BBC America. (10 pm ET)

The whimsical British romantic drama, starring Black Books' Tamsin Greig and Lois & Clark's Michael Landes and written by Jonathan Creek creator David Renwick, returns with another new installment tonight. In tonight's episode ("They Do No Move"), Alice attempts to find a new apartment but instead reaches an epiphany, while Gil is set up with an actress.


Anonymous said…
I'm a fan of the show and have been since it was on Showtime back in the day. I've read elsewhere that the show is definitely being shopped around. I can't imagine where else it would go, though. Back to pay cable? That seems doubtful. However, I could see it as a pretty good move for a network. It has a loyal built-in audience and it's been newly refurbished with two new stars. Of course, I don't know what kind of ratings it usually did on SciFi or if those would be sufficient for a "major" network.
Scott said…
Are you talking about The 4400? Ira Behr has been telling people he "expects" a renewal shortly...
Anonymous said…
I've been watching SG-1 off and on thru its 10 seasons. Lately, I've been liking it. But, I don't feel as disappointed as I did when they cancelled Farscape

But, hey, this the the Tuesday column! You don't even mention Rescue Me! I must have missed something. What's up with that?
Anonymous said…
The cancellation of SG1 is a real blow and I'm going to miss it but I'm sorry Guys, Stargate is not the longest running Sci-Fi Series.

Stargate managed ten seasons and about 200 Episodes. Doctor Who managed 26 consecutive Seasons and 700 episodes. So SG would need another 16 years to challenge that.

And of course this doesn't include the re-launch last year or the 150 radio episodes.

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