You had the chance to read my advance review but I am curious to know if you tuned in to watch either of The Listener's two episodes last night and what you thought of the series overall.
Did you think that Craig Olejnik's Toby Logan was compelling? Did you cringe when that woman actually thought, "If only he could read my mind"? Did you like the juxtaposition of medical emergencies and telepathic crime-solving? Did you find it all tired and hackneyed or slick and engaging?
And, most importantly, would you tune in again next week?
Talk back here.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Totally agree. BORING.
I'm still waiting for the day where we can put out shows of BBC quality that American networks actually want to pick up or remake.
This show Rox.
Idk wats wrong with all u people.