Televisionary is taking questions from fans to put to Lost's executive producers/showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and stars Matthew Fox ("Jack Shephard"), Evangeline Lilly ("Kate Austen"), and Michael Emerson ("Benjamin Linus") for a series of on-camera interviews taking place this weekend.
If you have a specific question for any of the above producers or actors from Lost, please leave it in the comments section below.
I'll be accepting questions until midnight PT tonight and, while I can't promise I'll be able to ask any specific inquiry due to the brevity of these on-camera interviews, I am looking for some insightful and thought-provoking questions to add to the mix.
So who knows: your burning question might get asked after all.
Have you a preference for Jate (Jack/Kate) : Being on the island, apart, or being back in real life together?
Keep the good work coming, because you two, are a m a z i n g!
I love you guys keep up the amazing work!
Carol Lilly from Brazil
Just wanted to take this opportunity to commend you both on the lovely emotional chemistry you share in your scenes together - often elevating the simple into something quite profound. The gamut of emotions, the depth, nuance and subtlties you bring to the Jack and Kate dynamic is a joy to behold and always makes for engaging viewing.
I salute you both for bringing a fictional couple to life so vividly and beautifully as you do. They're a messy, damaged pair but the deep-seated love is undeniable and I sincerely hope that whatever redemption lies ahead for these characters, that they ultimately find it each other.
There are many theories about proxies on this second plane Crash like Sayid/Kate, Ben/Hurley, Hurley/Walt/Charlie etc...would Kate be Claire's proxy? I mean...is she carrying a baby Shephard?
My question is for Darlton: will we ever see the real Henry Gale or John Inman again?
First of all, i want to thank you all for this amazing show.
As a big Jack&Kate fan, i'm wondering if we will see Jack and Kate getting closer to each other again this season?
In the episode The House of the Rising Sun, Jack and Kate discovered two bodies who were later dubbed Adam and Eve. On the bodies, Jack found two stones, one black and one white. Where are those stones now and what are the significance of them? Or if that's too specific for you to answer, will we ever see those stones again?
Keep up the great work! This season rocks so far!
Morgan from Texas
So far we have seen Jack, Christian, Aaron and finally Ray Shephard. Obviously the Shephard familiy is important for the island.
Are we going to find out what is so special about the Shephards this season?
Carol Lilly from Brazil
Congratulations on the huge success that is Lost. My question is:
Will Jack and Sawyer be happy to see one another and will these two finally become a team to fight together against whatever evil that is coming their way? Hopefully in the finale or the next season?
Keep up the awesome work.
Carol Lilly from Brazil
Kate's desicion to leave Aaron and go back to the island involves in some level the Shephard family??
Pauline, from France.
I'd like to ask:
There seems to be too much of a focus on Benamin Linus, and Charles Widmore. And Jack's mission / destiny / ultimate goal seems to have lost a bit of focus. Will our hero and his ultimate fate get it's place back soon?
We've seen child versions of Jack, Sawyer, Sun and Ben so far. Any chance we get a child or teenager version of Kate before the end of the series?
Carol Lilly from Brazil.
We were led to believe Locke told Jack the only way to keep kate and aaron safe was to go back to the island. In jacks converstion with locke at the hospital that-along with other things-wasnt even brought up. The only thing Jack seemed remotely concerned about was that Locke saw his Dad.Is jack now lying to Kate? Selfish? He IS our hero,isnt he..I hope this will be explained because thats not the Jack we know(never mind the whole "never ask me about Aaron" debacle-come on it his nephew!!) We love our Jack here Darlton!!!
Will we learn final resolution of the triangle at the first half of season six?
First of all, thanks for bringing to life one of the best couples on TV! Second, what can we expect from Jack and Kate for the rest of the show? We'll see the Kate and Sawyer reunion next week, but what a lot of us are dying to know is if Kate could be pregnant with Jack's baby? The Claire/Kate proxy was not "lost" on us!
Also, for Damon and Carlton:
A lot of people keep asking about the four-toed statue, but what is bugging me is if we'll ever find out Libby's backstory! Can you confirm that we'll be getting more info on her before the show is over?
Will Sam Austen be back? Is the US Army being on the island or that they've been researching about the island as we saw in 316 going to be related to Sam in some way?
Okay to question part
My question to Damon and Carlton
Whether we will see Kate and Jack first time? And i really hope that story of triangle will come to an end sooner than later
To Matthew and Evie
What do you guys think of the future of Jack and Kate? How do you see it, what do you want?
Are we ever gonna get another Ben/Juliet present time scene on the show? Ben and Juliet's stories were so deeply interwoven back in season 3 and I always thought they had the most complex male/female relationship on the show, but they haven't interacted anymore ever since One Of Us. I would love to see it change.
Will Jack's chest hair grow back now that he's back on the island? Becky from MD
Question for Matthew: do you think dead!Christian is up to no good or is he on a posthumus redemptive path for being such a jerk in real life, guiding his son towards his destiny? Is there any hope of a Shephard family reunion on the Island with Christian and Claire?
We have seen Christian having proper conversations with Locke and Claire but when it comes to Jack the guy never speaks.
Will Christian manage to say a few words to his son other than "JACK" for crying out loud?
Are we going to see this season or next season flashback scene with Jack and Kate ??
Is there any chance we will see a Jack/Christian reunion this season?
Seeing how Jack is progressing further into accepting fate as part of his destiny, I fear he will be manipulated from Ben or other people and follow this path BLINDLY.
I sincerly hope that this is not the case and we will see a good mix between the old man of science and the new man of faith. How is your take on this?
How do you feel about the ambiguity Kate is written as a character?
Count me in as one of the people who was shocked and saddened to hear rumors that you were leaving the show, and I honestly hope they're not true. The show wouldn't be the same without you. :(
Anyway, my question is what is Kate up to outside of the love quadrangle?
Dear Mr. Fox,
Same question about Jack. ;)
Dear Carlton and Damon,
Any chance of a Lost spinoff with Aaron, Walt, Ji-Yeon and maybe Clementine as well? Would be interesting to see the kiddies all grown up.
Dear Mr. Emerson,
No question, just want to say you make Ben the most awesome TV villain ever(yes, I think he's a villain, but that's OK as I adore a good villain)
Thanks to all of you for giving us a chance to ask some questions, and thank you for this wonderful show!
Do you think Ben can still be a good guy after he has killed Locke in cold blood?
And i want an happy ending for Kate.
My question is about Kate and Sawyer. What kind of interaction we should expect between them after the reunion?
Carol Lilly from Brazil
Love this season so far, but for all those skater fans(and their are a lot)..we want to know what's going to happen with Sawyer and Kate, once they reunite on the island?
Is it possible for me to get a small role in Lost??? I look good in dead make up or i can speak in good real accent.
You guys are amazing, are you both married? I am single by the way ;)!
I certainly love you guys but if you will not leave Jack and Kate together me and all my friends from the former Soviet Union wil find you and our revenge would be very cruel!
P.S: Is Kate pregnant?
Damon and Carlton
Can you explain why all the Oceanic 6 were so cold and uncaring about their friends they left behind.
Hi Evi, I'm a huge skater. Can you tell us anything about whats in store for Sawyer and Kate? Maybe with regards to their reunion?
p.s don't leave the show, we love you!
Will Jack ever learn that Ben lied to basically every question Jack asked him?
To Evi: Do you still believe Kate's bond with Jack is stronger than her bond with Aaron?
Hello! What do you have in store for the Sawyer and Kate fans? It's been nice seeing Sawyer taking on a larger role on the Island - but he seems lonely without his freckles! Will the reunion be worth the wait?
Thank you!
Matt and Evi I love you too, I hope jate end up together! ;)
Will Kate make her choice between Jack and Sawyer this season? We're all getting rather sick of the love triangle, and I for one would rather have her make her choice now, instead of continuing to flip back and forth between the two men. Also, when she does make her final choice, will it be difinitive.
oh and Viva la Skate!
Oh and give us skaters any type of spoiler...when are they going to kiss again?
Oh and Michael, you have been amazing this season...emmy nominaton hopefully
Carol Lilly from Brazil
Why did you cast an actress, that looks a lot like Evangeline Lilly/Kate, for the role of Amy? Did you have any specific reasons for that casting decision?
First of all, I want to thank you for greatest season five. So fantastic... Oh, mythology described very careful, and puzzle starts to take shape in a largest context.
My question for Damon and Carlton:
Will we learn more about mrs. Hawking this season? I'm very interested in her conections with Ben and Widmore, and with Dharma, actually. "The Lamp Post" remind me my childhood, when I had read "The Chronicles of Narnia". Is It gentle hint to lamp separating Narnia from real word?
And most popular question: Is Kate pregnant?
My question is to Michael:
How do you fill about final scene of "The Life and death of Jeremy Bentham"? It was sooo amazing... But I really don't understand how you can reincarnate so quickly. I admire of your playing, of your character! Now Ben is negative person, by a majority fan's opinion, obvisly. Eeverything isn't simple, is it? Will we learn about Ben's reasons to kill Locke?
I look forward to Ben's flashback in "Namaste"!
I am just tired of seeing Kate so cold towards Sawyer and towards his sacrifice. She didn't even asked Locke about him. Is she really over Sawyer?
Please Darlton, can you have Kate just choose between the guys now, so the triangle can end? People do not like the triangle at all
And please darlton take sawyer out of this stupid triangle, kate deserves jack...
And sawyer deserves better than kate...
A lost of sawyer's fan are sick of this triangle, please, let sawyer out of this mess
Darlton, will we see Penny again? I know their is a lot of speculation that Ben killed Penny.
Please explain why you have not returned more quickly to Sawyer and Kate's story. It was the thing I loved most about Lost and I'm losing patience with waiting.
Are you aware of how annoying the triangle has become? And is there any chance of you ending it once and for all before the season 6 finale?(fingers crossed as I really want to start liking Kate again but that's never gonna happen whilst she's leading 2 men on)
Darlton, you gave a spoiler that Kate will still be pining for Sawyer..will that be happening once she returns to the island? Cause Kate has been a bitch during this season.
AMERICAN media. Geez. I guess you missed where everyone, even the ones who thought the kiss was hot, also thought it was weird, creepy and sick.
I'm a huge sawyer and Kate fan, I miss them together, can I still have hope?
I'm tired of jack and kate and their lack of chemistry. Thankyou.
Do you want to disappoint a 70 year old woman? haha....
Last we saw Jin in a dharma van and wearing Dharma Clothes. This brings Jin Jack Kate and Hurley all the way bkc prior to the Purge. But we know Sun is in 2000's now. How will they reunite? Was I wrong to assume Christian meant the flashes would stop once Locke put the wheel back on its axis?
haha, seriously...you do know that skate has won the majority of polls...and on the fact that the everyone either hates Jate, Jack, and/or Kate.
Has Jate won any awards for their chemistry?..no
have they won awards for their kiss?...no
Have they're been any mention of their hot sex scene in a bear cage?...no
Look in the mirror...who are the people that bombard e online's Kristen with hate mail and comments when she does not post anything to the jaters liking...
First of all, i'd like to thank You all for such a great job! You're all making an extremely good show!
My question is for Michael this time.
Are we going to know more about Ben's and Charles past and why they're enemies?
I think you should ask Jack and Kate fans to stop engaging them in this fight then.It is not going to help put your questions and feelings across.
I hope you'll take some of my questions ^^
questions for Damon and Carlton
1) I was very happy to see locke is come back in life but my question is do you always planned this story like that or you changed your mind about it ?
2) I really love sawyer and kate love story and i miss them together, can i hope to see more of them in the second of half of this season ?
3) If you should choose a side could you choose Ben or Widmore or neither ? lol
4) I can't wait next episode called "lafleur" and i wanted to ask you because i'm big sawyer's fan what can i expect for him in this episode ?
thank you bisous et bonjour de france ^^
for evi
1) It was heartbreaking to see kate left without aaron and i really can't wait to see more of this storyline but i wanted to ask you, what was your feeling when you read the script about this separation.
2) Kate is back on the island and we didn't see so much her love for sawyer after 3 years off the island... can i hope a change when they'll see eachother again ? I really miss them together !
3) On tv guide you said when kate saw sawyer after 3 years it was like she saw a ghost can we hope an emotional reunion between them ?
4) I really love kate's character but there is one character i missed in her life off the island, it was sam her father. Do you know what happened between them when he learnt she was still alive ?
thank you evi and kiss from france
For Matthew
1) I'm not biggest jack fan but I'm really intrigued to know what do you think of jack's journey, i really see him like tragic hero who will die at the end because it's his destiny, what is your opinion about the end of jack's journey ?
2) Do you hope to see Claire and Jack reunion one day ?
thank you !
for Michael
1) First thank you for answering my question about the theory charlotte is ben and annie daughter on Kristin Eonline with "this place is death" i don't think it's possible or at least i'm not sure BUT i wanted to ask you if you think after everything ben did and how he is evil if he really loved annie ?
2) Oh my god !! Ben killed locke AGAIN !! i was very shocked and i can tell you i love to hate your character, you're very amazing but i'm big locke's fan so my question is, do you think ben did it in purpose or he was just jealous jacob chose locke ?
3) On the plane, ben said to jack when he asked him how he can read ,"my mum taught me" BUT his mum is dead when he's born so Do you think it was a joke or the past changed so Ben could have a stepmother?
4) If you could change something in ben's action what it could be ?
thank you so much :)
Learn how to spell.
have they won awards for their kiss?...no
Have they're been any mention of their hot sex scene in a bear cage?...no
has jate won the worst couples ever?
I think they were more interesting together and had better chemistry than Jack/Kate.
My question is for Damon and Carlton and Evangeline(Evi).I'm a Skater and I can't wait to see their reunion.It's such a beautiful and memorable moment,I want to see a beautiful smile on Kate's face because she's my favourite character with Sawyer and I want her to be happy.
I'd want to know how you'd describe the reunion?Romatic,angsty,emotional,beautiful...thank you very much!
Please darlton, just end this triangle..your making kate look horrible...Jack, well he's always been a jackass...Thank god you have not ruined Sawyer yet.
Yeah interesting that's why Doc Jensen thought it was the best kiss in serial, because kiss was creepy yeah right great logic
Oh please, don't you ever see that it's always Sawyer and Kate fans that start this nonsense of a quarrel? Sawyer & Kate fans are just as immature as the ones who are acknowledging their comments and trying to come back with a response. It's so childish. People who would like to ask a few questions are disgusted by both parties.
And what's with the racism? Lost is marketed to a lot of countries not just the US. Get over it.
Now that you guys have dragged Juliet back into the quadrangle, I would like to know if she will actually get something good and real out of it for a change or if she will have to play the martyr for Kate all over again. Her character deserves better than always having to play second fiddle to your female lead. There are actually people out there who would love for her to have a real romance on the show instead of another pseudo romantic relationship.
True, but take a look at when this was getting ugly. See a pattern?
That was a question for the Jaters here, not the cast or writers.
Jack and Kate fans are always polite when they're dominating the discussion. The minute any one else tries to get a word in they become hysterical and nasty. That's the pattern.
Yes it is. DVDs and other merchandise and internet is as well. That's why WGA, DGA, SAG had all this business with New media residuals. Lost is marketed to a lot of countries, and all of them count. Assuming the other fans aren't as important, that's where it borders on racism.
Verbal abuse and deliberately aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and comments on off-subject topics will be deleted.
Bottom line: if you don't have a question, don't post anything please. And there have been more than enough questions about both Jack/Kate and Sawyer/Kate already.
Thank you.
I'm ashemed for you guys.
PS: I'm not a shipper, okay?
So Darlton, if you had to chose a side, who would you chose: Ben or Widmore?
God these shippers are becoming pathetic..throwing disgusting insults like that
Did you enjoy Jack's patter since season 1? If you could decide his fate what will it be?
everything was cool until the minute a skater decided to reply a jater comment.
Evangeline Lilly, you are one superb Actress. Don't you go taking a break. Looking forward to whatever you do next. Keep your head up.
Take care and God bless.
For Michael Emerson:
Your character seems to manage to be wonderfully villainous and yet show a spark of decency and humanity on occasion. This week, we saw Ben murder Locke. Does that now put him in the Black Hat category for good?
For Damon and Carlton:
Since you just killed off another main female character, Charlotte just when she was getting interesting, will there now be a moratorium on more females being killed off to serve the male character plots? We only have Kate, Juliet and Sun left. There's a huge imbalance!
For Evangeline Lilly:
As a huge Sawyer/Kate fan, who's been missing their beautiful messy relationship onscreen, can we finally look forward to seeing Kate's perspective on her feelings for the conman soon? Will we finally get to see her pining for him as Damon and Carlton said she would in the TVGuide?
For Matt Fox:
Your character now seems to have embraced the destiny track. He's got a purpose again. Are you relieved that he might be getting more involved in the mythological happenings on the island and not so distracted by the romantic melodrama of his toxic unequal relationship with Kate?
Xenophobia is a crime!!!!!!!
Jack's grandpa resembles Sawyer way too much, coincidence??
Hey guys!
I am a huge Jater - always have been and I have been loving the angst and emotion that they've been through this season - the car scene had me in tears! :(
Is there hope of any happiness in the future? Much as i love the angst - im a hopless romantic!! :D
Steph x
To people posting links to this saying that I am asking for "Skater" or "Jater" questions, please stop. I am not looking to court any shipper fan bases or ask an infinite number of questions about any relationships.
Please keep in mind that this is a series of serious interviews with the cast and creators of Lost.
Love the Chemistry between Matt and Evie - You guys are brilliant - now my question, is it a possibility Jack and Kate can be the Adam and eve we found? Or are we guessing too far :)
Steph x
Will the Left Behinders blame O6 or not returning sooner?
Question to Matthew and Evi:
Do you prefer working where the group is together or when they're separated? Like the mini arc or LA period or running off into the jungle?
To people posting links to this saying that I am asking for "Skater" or "Jater" questions, please stop. I am not looking to court any shipper fan bases or ask an infinite number of questions about any relationships.
Please keep in mind that this is a series of serious interviews with the cast and creators of Lost.
Thanks for coming over
Who do you love working with on the set? Who's the funniest/prankster of the cast?
Your character is one the most mysterious and ambiguous but also of the most charming. There's a scene you would totally change because you didn't like it for Kate?
Thanks,one of the many Italians fan,Alessia
Will Jack and Christian eventually have the conversation they so desperately need to have? I think it would go down as the most powerful scene in the entire series.
I am so glad to have an oppotunity to congratulate Michael Emerson on such a "no words work" this season. Still Ben is a spooky character, it's real pleasure to watch him!
And as a lots of people before me, I'd like to know (and hope that it's the way it's gonna be) if we see the tringle end this season. After all there can be no happy ending. It would be great if during season 6 we got more information about why exactly these people or it was just an accident.
Thank you, From Russia with Love
P.S. I'm pro Sawyer man
For Damon & Carlton:
Ever since the Oceanic 6 was first revealed back in Season 4, I have had a hard time feeling any kind of sympathy for any of them, barring Hurley. But after watching Locke roll around and simply ask them to go back and help their 'friends' that they left on the island, and all of them giving him the brush off, I have to say not even Hurley inspires any warmth in me at the moment. Was that intentional on your parts, or are we still meant to feel sympathetic towards them?
For Evangeline:
I have enjoyed your portrayal of Kate since S1. I was wondering how you felt about your characters development. How has she grown, and how is she still the same woman that stepped onto flight 815?
Hey could you stop with your hateful comments...ask a real question
Was Widmore truthful when was talking to Locke? Or are we correct in assuming he was just manipulating him as he pleases?
PS: Michael Emerson is the best thing the ever happened to Lost. I think the show should be divided as Lost before and after Ben.
when do you think you'll share with us all ?
Thanks again for what you did, we really miss to get news of the cast so you're like the sun in our life those day ^^
There's no reason to shipper's was here...
I have a question for Matthew and Evi. If Kate is pregnant (from Jack, what else), what name would you both give the Jaby?
Love you two.
Kiss, Sandy
I know you love to do so many different hobbies. (writing, running, painting etc.) How do you balance hobbies, Lost, and friends/family? I'm going through the same problem and need some good advice.
-Cat Ludwiczak
ps. sorry for the lack of lostness-- I like being suprised :)
Carol Lilly from Brazil
- You dedicated a big part of Season 4 to show us what happened to the Oceanic Six during the time they spent off the island, and this season you're still paying a lot of attention to them and their last hours on mainland. Assuming years have passed for the people left on the island as well, is there time to show us (via flashback, I guess) what Sawyer, Juliet and the others have been doing during those years, giving their stories a fair amount of screentime and attention compared to how you've handled the Oceanic Six's storyline?
- I've really enjoyed the interaction between Sawyer and Juliet so far. I don't care if they become lovers or just great friends (I would be more than ok with both scenarios), but I would like to know if I can hope to see them stay close and interact with each other in the future, or the pairing will be forgotten when Jack and Kate are back on the island?
In This Place is Death, Sawyer's nose began to bleed. However, Jin and Locke's noses didn't. Shouldn't they have all gotten nose bleeds at the same time? Does this mean something significant or am I too observant for my own good?
First of all thank you Damon and Carlton for writing this awesome tv show, you two are the best writers so far!
My question is for Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: The oceanic six lived 3 years off the island surrounded by lies, guilt and denial; was this choice taken on purpose? Like, having these characters trying to get what they wished to make them understand it wasn't really what they needed and what happened only happened as a consequence of their lies?
Thanks, best regards.
Also, people need to stop assuming just because they like/don't like something that everyone feels that way:
"Don't you know EVERYONE is sick of the triangle"
"EVERYONE is bored with Sawyer, stop showing him"
Just because you believe something, doesn't mean everyone is. And it's not like the writers are going to change their plot line just because you said everyone hates it. Even if everyone hated it, it's their plot, they don't care if you like it or not.
I am a shipper, but I believe everyone should be respectful to everyone else no matter what they like or don't like. I don't believe the Kate/proxy/pregnancy thing is at all true, but you don't see me yelling wildly at Jaters to shut up about it, do you. Just chill.
Anyway, my questions:
Why have the O6 been portrayed as being so cold to those left on the island? And when are we going to learn just WHAT is so special about Locke? I was waiting for it in the last episode, and was greatly let down. And who should we trust? Ben or Widmore? Because more and more Ben is such an evil little guy, yet I feel I should trust him more. I feel like Widmore really is hiding something more.
To Damon and Carlton: When is going to begin a deeper development of Sawyer? It has been postponed for too long, and he's my favourite.
My question is to Darlton and to Matthew and Evangeline:
- Do you think about a happy end for my favorities characters: Jack and Kate?
Matt and Evie, I love you two! You are amazing together and you have been doing an excelent work! You made me love Lost and Jack&Kate! Thank you very much!!!
PS: I'd like they know about our feelings (their real fans), even if some questions won't be answeared by them.
I know the sky turning purple is more likely on Lost, but I'm still hoping for a Jack and Juliet reunion. Anything you can say for those of us who still like Jack and Juliet together?
How does your preparation for getting into Jack's headspace differ now that he has gained some faith to go with his scientific mindset?
What do you think about how cold Kate was with my beloved Locke? How could she change so much since she left the Island, does she even care about the people left behind, including the mother of "her son"?
Iria from Spain.
I've got a few questions.
1. Who's the bad guy, Widmore or Ben?
2. To Michael Emerson, do you enjoy playing Ben?
3. To Evangeline Lilly, aren't you sometimes annoyed by Kate?
- Mia (France)
Will you go out with me?
Many thanks.
Sara from Italy.
My question is to Darlton:
- Do you think about a happy end for my favorities characters: Jack and Kate?
Matt and Evie, I love you two! You are amazing together and you have been doing an excelent work!
You are so PERFECT! S2
Thank you very much!!!
Can you tell us if Jack and Kate will be together again some time this season?
Do you think that either Jack or Sawyer will die to resolve the love triangle or do you think Kate will make a definitive choice?
What is the future of Jack and Juliet's relationship?
When Jack and Kate will finally find the way back to each other???
Thank you!
Can we, Jack and Juliet fans expect some doctor lovin' now that the Oceanic 6 are back on the island?
Thank you,
I just want you to know that SKate story is the most beautiful in the history of tv: love, passion, chemistry, angst... starts from waterfall scene or "I never" ending on 5x04.
love you
Was Kate suppose to raise Aaron?
Is there anything for Jack/Juliet fans to look forward to in season five?
Can we expect see anothers scenes like that again between them? I hope so. They are such a amazing couple.
Thank you for write jack and kate story so weel.
Krishna from Jordan.
Hey there guys, big time Kate and Sawyer fan here! What are your thoughts about the Kate and Sawyer's reunion? How did you felt watching this moment for those two? And what can we expect from their relationship from now on? There will be romantic feelings again for them or time just ereased them away?
When Ben told John he was sorry - did he mean it?
- Steph V.
The reunion is close, is the Jack/Juliet encounter one of the reasons we should get excited?
Has the Spanish Picaresque novel influenced you in any level on the construction of the (great) character of Sawyer?
-which scene of Jate did they more like doing and why?
Will we learn why Kate is important to the mythology other than her connection to Jack and Aaron?
Two questions:
Damon & Carlton: Is Kate simply triangle fodder? I had some hope when Kate was given a storyline outside of the triangle by raising Aaron last and this season, but now that Kate's back on the island sans Aaron, I'm dreading the Kate bounce returning. Will Kate ping-pong once again, or will we see a more mature Kate this season in which she and Jack work out the kinks in their relationship?
I'd personally love to see Kate stick with one guy (Jack) and sweep the triangle nonsense under the rug. Enough is enough, you know?
- Matt what you more like in Evie? And Evie what you more like in Matt?
- Do you think that your good relation, out of lost, contributes to the success of the couple Jack/Kate?
Which couple would you said that is more similar to the one formed by Sawyer and Kate?
Rhett/Scarlett or
And has any of them been your primary inspiration to write them?
Muito obrigado.
The character of Kate and motherhood theme has been interwoven since season 3. We've seen her evolve from a woman who is afraid of being pregnant, to the mother who loves Aaron as her own son. Has Kate's motherhood journey come to an end with her losing Aaron? or has this all been built up for another reason?
My questions:
1. Will Sawyer finally get over selfish and coldhearted Kate for good?
2. Will he have a happy ending?
3. Will Kate, Jack, Sayid and Hurley receive the cold shoulder they deserve for not caring at all about their friends in the island?
4. Can you please, please, please, end this triangle of hell once and for all? This is ruining Lost.
5. Can you treat women in this show as something more than pingpong balls or Ross Perot, and give them real good stuff to work with? Women are not sexual objects, did you know?
6. And finally, give Sawyer good stories, he and Locke are, in the moment, the most deserving characters in Lost and the only motives that make me still watch this show.
Seems like this season there's something for everyone, jaters, skaters, sulieteers, is there any chance jacketeers will get some nice moments too?
Is there a reason the Oceanic 6 didn't seem to care that their friends were in danger or that they'd left them behind? Kate's reaction in TLADOJB in particular surprised me, since she's always been one to go back for a fallen comrade, even at the risk of her own life.
And are they going to be called on it by the people they left behind? Will they face consequences for their actions?
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer questions!
I've always found a lot of hints in these 5 years that suggested that parentalhood could be part of both Jack and Kate's redemption.Te ultimate seeing them being surrogate parents of Aaron in season4. So am I onto something? is parantalhood fundamental for these characters' journey?
How do you feel about Jack&Kate's journey together? Do you think that they'll play an important role in the mythology of the show?
I´m anxious to know what will happen to Sawyer and Kate.
And can hardly wait to know something about their reunion.
Make it great, will you, guys?
Can you spill something for us.
We miss Sawyer and Kate together so much?
Why is the six so unreasonable rude and cold towards their friends in the island? Do you want us to hate them?
They were nasty to Locke, he didn´t deserve that.