Those of us still sniffing following this weekend's Doctor Who: The End of Time and the departure of series lead David Tennant can at least look forward to some new adventures for The Doctor heading our way later this year. (You can read my thoughts on Part One of Doctor Who: The End of Time here and on Part Two here.)
The BBC has released a fantastic one-minute-plus trailer for Season Five of Doctor Who, featuring new series lead Matt Smith as The Doctor and Karen Gillan as new companion Amy Pond. As Who fans well know, Season Five of Doctor Who also sees the head writing and executive producing duties being taken over by Steven Moffat, who previously wrote some of the series' most memorable installments, including "The Doctor Dances," "The Girl in the Fireplace," "Blink," and "Silence in the Library," to name a few.
The full Season Five trailer can be found below in all its glory. If you're extremely spoiler-averse, you might want to look away. (Personally, I think it's just a lovely teaser of things to come.)
What do you think of the Doctor Who Season Five trailer? Does Smith look capable of filling the considerable shoes of David Tennant? What do you think of the glimpse of Amy? Or the gun-toting woman? Excited to see the return of the Weeping Angels? Can't wait to see Steven Moffat's take on the Doctor? Discuss.
Season Five of Doctor Who is set to premiere in the spring on BBC One and BBC America.
I definitely think it's River Song, though my wife disagreed with me. Time will tell... ;)
As I commented on Televisionary's recap of the finale, I probably won't come back to the show without David Tennant. Matt Smith just doesn't 'wow' me. With so many shows to watch, if I can tear myself away from a show, I probably don't care enough about it to justify staying.
That said . . . if they bring back the Alex Kingston storyline, I might be tempted. Damn.
Of course, there will be a new writer crafting these stories, so your concerns could evaporate next season...
Okay, but this is Doctor Who's last try!
I'm more concerned about what they'll do with the angels. Blink was such a perfect ep, I hope it's not ruined by a "sequel." Still, Moffat wrote the first and is awesome, so I look forward to it. I can't be pessimistic about the Doctor--the team has proved over and over how creative and talented they are.