Signs are pointing towards the remote possibility at least, following comments made by FX President John Landgraf at today's Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour in Pasadena.
While there are no deals in place and no project necessarily on the table, Whedon is set to meet with Landgraf in a few weeks' time.
"Actually his representatives called and scheduled a lunch," said Landgraf when asked about Whedon possibly developing something for FX. "I think I'm supposed to have lunch with Joss in the next two or three weeks... I have enormous respect for him. And by the way, if you look at Shawn Ryan who created The Shield and is running Terriers, Shawn learned at the feet of Joss Whedon, the Joss Whedon school. (And Carlton Cuse, by the way, as well.) I don't really know Joss, but I'm really looking forward to meeting him. I love his stuff."
What do you think? Is cable the right home for Whedon's dramatic sensibilities? How much would a Joss Whedon FX series rock? Discuss.
Well, okay, maybe something else would be decent as well. But we all know what everyone wants.
I'd still love another show in the Buffy mythology though!
Given the storylines in the Buffy/Angel comic books that take place in Season 8/6, a tv series with the same actors would be brilliant.
The long ago mentioned Ripper tv show would be awesome.
But there is one I wanted more than all others.
I could also quite easily watch a tv show that was simply Joss Whedon hanging out and talking with Nathan Fillion.
I worship at the altar of Whedon.
carry on...
With no more Sopranos, Friends or Lost and reality TV dying it's much deserved slow death...the time could be right for a Firefly return.
Or maybe they're meeting to discuss their mutual love of turnips over salad & martinis, who knows.
And in mentioning Dollhouse, what i want to know is this, why in the world did he save the best episodes the show has ever had for after cancellation. WTF?!?!?!
But I would love to see Joss do something on cable, I would love to see where he could go without having to keep it family friendly.
...and then decide to go back to the Buffyverse together :oD
Dollhouse, Firefly, Defying Gravity, and maybe even Fringe and “V” would have had a better chance of success on cable networks and not over the air broadcasters. Those that create these shows want big pay to make these shows yet the audience they draw cannot support these high paid creative folks. The only answer is lower the costs and creative folks need to create more shows to make the same money. They over value their skills so they have over priced their work to the point of nearly none being make or being successful enough to continue. The market will not bear the high cost so costs have to be lowered to what the market will pay.
Newscorp needs to put these shows on a cable outlet and NOT Fox to have a better chance of staying on the air.
Genre fans WILL go to what ever channel our shows are on, my DVR could not care less if Fox or FX it records both.
Watching the original Pilot on the DVD, before FOX demanded it be re-shot with lame 10 mile an hour bike chases, it shows how much better Dollhouse would have been from the start if they'd allowed Joss and co. a free reign.
Joss needs to go to cable badly, where the subscription model makes critical acclaim and a loyal core following much more important than regular nielsen numbers.
I can't wait.